TPS Spotlight: Maryland Humanities

TPS Spotlight: Maryland Humanities

Maryland Humanities, a Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Program Consortium member, partnered with Maryland Public Television and the Maryland State Department of Education to create the Thinkport Inquiry Kits— primary source sets designed to prepare students to analyze primary sources and conduct primary source research. The kits may also be used by teachers…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Does the Camera Ever Lie?

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Does the Camera Ever Lie?

Zoom into a more detailed image of this newspaper page from 1901. Read only the headline and image captions. Then carefully review the images and make an educated guess about what the article will discuss. Now read the article. How does it answer the question posed in the title? What evidence is provided to support this…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Strong-Weak Government

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Strong-Weak Government

Zoom into a more detailed image of this cartoon. Using only the details from the cartoon, what main point do you think the cartoonist was trying to make. For help reading cartoons, review It’s No Laughing Matter. Then review the cartoon’s source record and this definition of carpetbagger. What insights into this cartoon does this new information provide you…