La Teacher

Primary Source Spotlight: Teachers & Teaching

“The trouble is that we don’t always realize how important teachers are, in music or in anything else. Teaching is probably the noblest profession in the world — the most unselfish, difficult, and honorable profession. It is also the most unappreciated, underrated, underpaid, and underpraised profession in the world.” Leonard Bernstein Teacher images Week of…

Collections Spotlight: National Press Club Luncheon Speeches 1954-1989

Collections Spotlight: National Press Club Luncheon Speeches 1954-1989

The National Press Club, with more than a century of history behind it, is known for its luncheon gatherings that have featured U.S. presidents, visiting world leaders, and other prominent persons to address the media members and answer questions about current affairs. Now, with the collection Food for Thought: Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Other National Press Club Luncheon Speakers,…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Leonard Bernstein Illustrated Letter

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Leonard Bernstein Illustrated Letter

Leonard Bernstein was a famous American composer and conductor. Don’t read the words, just study the illustrations. Zoom into the images online. What is the setting? What is the story? Now read the letter. Challenge yourself to decipher the writing on the pages, then read the transcript. How does the actual letter compare with the…