Group of 3 Navajo enlisted men at sea

Primary Source Spotlight: Indigenous Code Talkers

Code Talkers Recognition Act of 2008. Pub. L. 110–420, Oct. 15, 2008, 122 Stat. 4774 , recognizing Native American code talkersRecognized the contributions of code talkers from thirteen other Native American nations: Assiniboine, Chippewa and Oneida, Choctaw, Comanche, Cree, Crow, Hopi, Kiowa, Menominee, Mississauga, Muscogee, Sac and Fox, and Sioux Choctaw Code Talkers Recognition Act…

The Russian cathedral and the harbor, Helsingfors, Russia, i.e., Helsinki, Finland

World Spotlight: Finland

Finland country study Finland country profile BBC Finland timeline BBC Finland primary source set from the World Digital Library Finland maps Finland image set The Finns in America Article: Finnish American Song Finnish song recordings Finland sheet music Conversation: [Finnish composer] Olli Kotekangas & Norman Scribner streaming webcast U.S. veteran oral histories (service in Finland) Foreign…