
Collections Spotlight: LGBTQ+ Resources

LGBTQ Activism and Contributions primary source set with teacher’s guide LGBTQ+ primary source set Photographs Posters Texts Select newspaper articles LGBTQ Activism & Contritbutions primary source set with teacher’s guide Serving in Silence: LGBTQ+ Veterans The History of Pride story map LGBTQ histories ONE Digital Archives USC LGBTQ resources Story Corps Speaking Out: LGBT Veterans…

La Teacher

Primary Source Spotlight: Teachers & Teaching

“The trouble is that we don’t always realize how important teachers are, in music or in anything else. Teaching is probably the noblest profession in the world — the most unselfish, difficult, and honorable profession. It is also the most unappreciated, underrated, underpaid, and underpraised profession in the world.” Leonard Bernstein Teacher images Week of…


Primary Source Spotlight: Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic

In the midst of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the Library of Congress is collecting images, maps, web content and many more primary sources in order to, in the words of collection development officer Joe Puccio, “acquire and what a researcher in a hundred years will need to see from what is being produced today.” Learn…


Primary Source Spotlight: Madam C.J. Walker

Madam C.J. Walker image set Madam C.J. Walker advertisements & historical newspaper coverage Modern-day legislation commemorating Madam C.J. Walker Blog posts & articles Madam C.J. Walker Headlines & Heroes May 29, 2020 The Beauty Entrepreneur Inside Adams March 6, 2020 From Rags to Riches: Author Reviews Life of Madam C.J. Walker Library of Congress Information…

Fannie Lou Hamer

Primary Source Spotlight: Fannie Lou Hamer

Fannie Lou Hamer, Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party delegate, at the Democratic National Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey August 1964 | curator’s note Jury Frees Five Law Officers in Miss. Beating The Detroit Tribune. (Detroit, Mich.), 21 Dec. 1963 Civil Rights oral histories mentioning Fannie Lou Hamer Euvester Simpson Charles McLaurin Maria Varela Jennifer Lawson Peggy Jean…

Roots Odyssey

Primary Source Spotlight: Black American History & Heritage

Primary source sets with teacher guides Story maps Curated resource sets – primary sources & secondary too Individuals Groups Topics African American Studies Research Guides Library collections Additional collections outside the Library Online exhibitions Veterans History Project Spotlights, features & special presentations Image Sets Historic African-American newspapers Music & Dance resources Congressional activity Library blog…

VP Curtis

Primary Source Spotlight: Charles Curtis

Politician Charles Curtis of Kansas was, as he liked to tell audiences, “one-eighth Kaw Indian and a one-hundred per cent Republican”.  He was a member of both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, serving as Senate majority leader from 1924 until his inauguration as the 31st vice president in 1929. Representative Curtis…

counting electoral vote

Primary Source Learning: U.S. Electoral College

Background & context The Electoral College – What Is It and How Does It Function? In Custodia Legis November 6, 2012 Electoral College Fast Facts US House of Representatives History, Art & Archives The Electoral College National Archives The Electoral College National Conference of State Legislators Research Guide: The Law of the Electoral College Contemporary…

March on Washington

Today in History: March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

Today in History–August 28–the Library of Congress features the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, held on this day in 1963. Around a quarter million people participated in this non-violent demonstration for civil rights seeking, among other things, equal access to public accommodations, decent housing, adequate and integrated education, the right to vote, and…