Alabama lullaby

State Spotlight: Alabama

Alabama stories from America’s Library Alabama primary source set with teacher’s guide Alabama resource guide Alabama image set Alabama maps Alabama sheet music Songs & oral histories related to Alabama Alabama veterans oral histories Alabama personal narratives Alabama books & other texts Alabama historical newspapers Alabama related webcasts Alabama related legislation Alabama Guide to Law Online More curated primary collections related to Alabama More U.S. state…

The landing-place near cathedral, Belgrade, Servia

World Spotlight: Serbia

Serbia primary source set World Digital Library Serbia maps Serbian image set Што се боре мисли моје (Serbian song recording) Foreign Affairs oral histories mentioning Serbia Historic U.S. newspaper coverage of Serbia (through 1922) U.S. legislation related to Serbia Guide to Law Online: Serbia Country Study: Former Yugoslavia

Washington's prominent figures listen to Marian Anderson's singing

Today in History: Marian Anderson

Today in History–January 7–the Library of Congress features singer Marian Anderson, who made her debut at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City on his day in 1955. Barred from attending a Philadelphia music school because of her race, Anderson’s family, friends and church helped fund private voice lessons. Although she toured Europe and the United States extensively, Anderson continued to suffer…

King of Persia/Shah of Iran

World Spotlight: Iran

Iran country study Iran country profile Iran country profile BBC Iran timeline BBC Places in the News: Iran April 2007 April 2009 December 2010 June 2011 April 2013 Iran primary source set World Digital Library Iran maps Iran image set Persia image set Featured Image: The Book of Kings Books & articles about Iran Films & webcasts related to Iran Persia; Concert polka (sheet…

Sod house, Custer County, Nebraska

State Spotlight: Nebraska

Nebraska stories from America’s Library Nebraska primary source set with Teacher’s Guide Prairie Settlement: Nebraska Photographs and Family Letters Nebraska images Nebraska maps Nebraska sheet music Nebraska oral history, speech & song recordings Nebraska books & other texts Nebraska historical newspapers U.S. legislation related to Nebraska Nebraska Guide to Law Online Literature Links: My Daniel – Hunting dinosaurs in Nebraska More Nebraska-related posts on PSN More U.S….

Rumania's day

World Spotlight: Romania

Romania primary source set, World Digital Library Romania maps Romania image set Books about Romania (1800-1929, in English and other languages) Romanian sheet music Romanian songs (audio recordings) Drago Ensemble Concert (streaming webcast) U.S. veteran oral histories (service in Romania) Roumania primary source set Historical newspaper coverage of Roumania (through 1922) Romania country profile Romania country study U.S. legislation related to Romania Guide to…

Casablanca Tourist Poster

Today in History: Casablanca, Morocco

Today in History–November 26–the Library of Congress features Casablanca, Morocco’s main port city and the title of a future classic film, which premiered on this day in 1942. Just a few weeks before, the city was bombarded during General Dwight Eisenhower‘s “Operation Torch”. Less than two months later, the city was the site of an Allied…

Thanksgiving turkey

Today in History: Thanksgiving

Today in History–November 26–the Library of Congress features Thanksgiving, designated by President George Washington on this date in 1789. Seventy-four years later, in 1863, Abraham Lincoln issued a Thanksgiving Proclamation that declared the last Thursday in November national Thanksgiving Day. Learn more about U.S. Thanksgiving traditions by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more…

Standard time zones of the world 2011

Today in History: Keeping Time

Today in History–November 18–the Library of Congress features time. On this day in 1883, precisely at noon, North American railroads switched to Standard Railway Time (SRT). SRT was quickly adopted throughout the United States, resulting in the creation of four national time zones: eastern, central, mountain and Pacific. A year later, at an international conference in…


World Spotlight: Ethiopia

Ethiopia primary source set from the World Digital Library Ethiopia maps Ethiopia images Books about Ethiopia Ethiopia historical newspaper coverage Articles & other texts Epiphany and Timkat in Ethiopia: The City of Gondar Hosts Annual Epiphany Celebrations 4 Corners of the World January 19, 2022 Ethiopian Emperors and Slavery In Custodia Legis January 31, 2012…

Colton's Virginia.

State Spotlight: Virginia

Virginia stories from America’s Library Virginia primary source set with Teacher’s Guide Virginia images Virginia maps Virginia historical newspapers Virginia books & other texts Virginia clippings, life histories & other documents Virginia oral history & song recordings Virginia sheet music Virginia film & video recordings U.S. legislation related to Virginia Virginia Guide to Law Online Virginia-related posts on PSN More U.S. state primary source collections