
Learning from the Source: Comparing & Contrasting Presidential Articles of Impeachment

What can we learn by comparing and contrasting the official articles of impeachment against the three U.S. presidents impeached by the House of Representatives? Johnson Impeachment – March 2, 1868 House of Representatives Articles of Impeachment for Andrew Johnson Supplement to the Congressional Globe U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774 – 1875 Congressional Globe, Senate,…


Learning from the Source: Pairing Pictures & Poems to Tell Stories

Students learn the power of pairing pictures with poems to tell stories about historical and contemporary issues. Display the paired primary sources (Image 1 | Image 2), showing only the images (i.e., cover up the text) and inform students that the poem accompanying these illustrations has been removed. Ask them to predict what the poem…

We Shall Overcome

Learning from the Source: We Shall Overcome

Students will analyze historical and contemporary primary sources to examine how citizens persevered to overcome injustice and affect change during the 1960s civil rights era and consider the lessons the first March to Selma in 1965 provides for us today. Enduring understanding: Time, place, and culture influence our perspectives on people and issues. Essential question:…

Preamble to the Constitution

Learning from the Source: Preamble to the Constitution Image Sequencing

Students deepen their understanding of the preamble to the U.S. Constitution with this primary source image sequencing activity. Lesson implementation We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty…

Learning from the Source: Geography & the Civil War

Learning from the Source: Geography & the Civil War

This is a guest post from Nicole Woulfe, a middle school social studies teacher from New Hampshire and a Citizen U pilot lesson implementer. Learn more about the creation, implementation and reflection of this lesson. Focus Question What role did geography play in the turning points of Vicksburg and Sherman’s March during the Civil War?…

Learning from the Source: Perceptions & Roles of American Women

Learning from the Source: Perceptions & Roles of American Women

Enduring understanding Time, place, and culture influence our perspectives on people and issues. Essential question How have perceptions of women in America and their roles in society evolved over time? Lesson prep Review and read all primary sources. Prepare primary sources for online or paper analysis. Have packs of sticky notes (three different colors) available….

Learning from the Source: Cesar Chavez & Good Citizenship

Learning from the Source: Cesar Chavez & Good Citizenship

This activity is adapted from lessons in the Barat Education Foundation Our American Voice® program. This civics program for 4-8 graders features a spiral curriculum and emphasizes critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving skills as students learn the fundamentals of American democracy and work to create positive change in their communities. Overview Using Cesar Chavez as an…

Learning from the Source: Technology Time Travel

Learning from the Source: Technology Time Travel

Become a time traveling sleuth with historical newspapers to discover how the hot new technology at the turn of the 20th century evolved. Work in groups to analyze the primary sources and, together, uncover the evolution of radio technology. Next, investigate other primary and secondary sources to compare and contrast radio’s evolution to another technology…

Learning from the Source: Pledge of Allegiance Image Sequencing

Learning from the Source: Pledge of Allegiance Image Sequencing

Most school children in the United States recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. But what does the pledge really mean? By pairing primary sources with the text, students will deepen their understanding of a citizen’s commitment to country. After, instruct students to create and decorate their own pledge to family, heritage, culture, class, or…

Learning from the Source: Primary Source Trail of Western Migration

Learning from the Source: Primary Source Trail of Western Migration

Background The “Corps of Discovery” expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in the years 1804-1806 was instrumental in opening up western North America to settlement. After this defining exploration, fur companies further investigated  westward routes. Financed by John J. Astor’s Pacific Fur Company, an 1812 expedition led by Robert Stuart began on the west coast…

Learning from the Source: The Negro Speaks of Rivers

Learning from the Source: The Negro Speaks of Rivers

Lesson objective In this primary source lesson students will gain a better understanding of the meaning and tone of “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” by completing a scaffolded close reading of the poem using multiple source types (written text, spoken word, music, photos, illustrations and maps) while developing personal, lasting connections to literature by creating their own related…

Learning from the Source: Geographical Conversation Cards

Learning from the Source: Geographical Conversation Cards

Use these geographical conversation cards to learn about the geographical history of the United States as well as learn state facts. Lesson prep 1. Print out and cut up state cards and the Question and Answer cards. 2. Separate these into 5  groups of state cards and their accompanying Q&A cards. Because there are missing cards…