Primary Source Learning: Gilded Age Teaching Resources & Strategies

Primary Source Learning: Gilded Age Teaching Resources & Strategies

This morning I saw a tweet mentioning primary sources related to immigration in the Gilded Age and I began to wonder . . . What learning activities related to the Gilded Age could we imagine using Library of Congress primary sources? What other teaching resources and strategies are available on and elsewhere? See the results…

Learning from the Source: Media & Migrant Laborer Perspectives

Learning from the Source: Media & Migrant Laborer Perspectives

Voices from the Dust Bowl: The Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin Migrant Worker Collection is an online presentation of a multi-format ethnographic field collection documenting the everyday life of residents of Farm Security Administration (FSA) migrant work camps in central California in 1940 and 1941. Todd and Sonkin, both of the City College of New York, traveled to Arvin, Bakersfield, El Rio, Firebaugh, Porterville,…

Today in History: Mexican Americans & United Farm Workers of America

Today in History: Mexican Americans & United Farm Workers of America

Today in History–August 22–the Library of Congress features the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (UFWOC), later renamed the United Farm Workers of America (UFW), which was formed on this day in 1966. Under the leadership of founders Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta, the UFW won many concessions for disenfranchised  Mexican-American farmworkers. Find out more by reading the Today in History section, then clicking the…

Today in History: The “Bonus Army”

Today in History: The “Bonus Army”

Today in History–July 28–the Library of Congress features the “Bonus Army” or “Bonus Expeditionary Forces (B.E.F.)”, some 15-20,000 World War I veterans who  camped out in the nation’s capital to request early payment of cash bonuses not payable to them until 1945. On July 28, 1932 the protestors were met by Major George S. Patton and federal…