World Spotlight: India

World Spotlight: India

India country profile: . . . extensive urbanization and trade appear to have begun in the Indus River Valley around 3000 B.C. with the Harappan civilization. From this period until the termination of British colonial rule in 1947, numerous empires ruled various portions of South Asia, often assimilating a rich array of peoples and each adding…

Today in History: Indian Citizenship Act

Today in History: Indian Citizenship Act

Today in History–June 2–the Library of Congress features the Indian Citizenship Act, enacted on this date in 1924. The act finally granted official U.S. citizenship to to all Native Americans born in the U.S. But because voting rights were governed by state law, some Native American citizens were barred from voting in political elections until 1957. Find out more by visiting…

Today in History: Wild Bill Hickok

Today in History: Wild Bill Hickok

Today in History–May 27–the Library of Congress features James Butler “Wild Bill” Hickok, born on this date in 1837 in Illinois. Hickok was involved in the Kansas free state movement and was a scout and spy for the Union during the Civil War. Later he held a number of positions in law enforcement. Find out more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links…

Today in History: Bill “Bojangles” Robinson & Tap Dancing

Today in History: Bill “Bojangles” Robinson & Tap Dancing

Today in History–May 25–the Library of Congress features Bill “Bojangles” Robinson, born on this date in 1878. Orphaned in early childhood, Robinson started dancing at a young age and went on to become a legendary jazz tap dancer. Learn more about this mesmerizing entertainer by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below for primary sources related to…

Primary Source Spotlight: Albert Einstein

Primary Source Spotlight: Albert Einstein

Library of Congress blog posts Einstein at 100: Mapping the Universe Worlds Revealed: Geography & Maps December 2, 2015 Einstein’s Folklore December 18, 2013 Folklife Today Celebrate Einstein’s Birthday with Pi March 14, 2011 Inside Adams Albert Einstein background & primary sources Nobel Media “Albert Einstein lived here” April 19, 1955 political cartoon by Herb Block (scroll down page to read curator’s…

Today in History: Charles Darwin & Teaching Evolution

Today in History: Charles Darwin & Teaching Evolution

Today in History–May 5–the Library of Congress features the controversy surrounding teaching Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. On this date in 1925 John Scopes was arrested for teaching evolution in a Tennessee public high school. Originally conceived as both a test case and a publicity stunt, Scopes went to trial and was found guilty. Later, the Tennessee Supreme Court acquitted…

Today in History: Manhattan Island

Today in History: Manhattan Island

Today in History–May 4–the Library of Congress features Manhattan Island. On this date in 1626, Dutch colonist Peter Minuit arrived on the wooded island at the behest of the Dutch West India Company. Minuit later “purchased” the island from resident Algonquin Indians for the equivalent of $24.  The town of New Amsterdam, located at the southern end of the island,…

Today in History: World Transportation Commission

Today in History: World Transportation Commission

Today in History–April 27–the Library of Congress features the World Transportation Commission (WTC). On this date in 1895, Harper’s Weekly carried a story on theWTC’s visit to Ceylon, now called Sri Lanka. The WTC was organized by a railroad publicist to find out more about international railroads and other foreign transportation systems. Find out more by visiting…

Primary Source Spotlight: Robert Frost

Primary Source Spotlight: Robert Frost

Robert Frost poems & poetry books “A Hillside Thaw” c 1930 “A Mood Apart” 1945 “The Runaway” c 1930 “My November Guest“ North of Boston 1914 A Boy’s Will 1915 Mountain Interval 1921 Robert Frost Reads Poem at JFK’s Inauguration January 20, 1961 from America’s Library Frost Inaugural poetry “Dedication” Robert Frost’s Presidential Inaugural Poem typescript with Frost’s…