Featured Source: President Obama’s 2012 State of the Union Address
Image powered by Wordle™ Text: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/01/25/remarks-president-state-union-address
Guided Primary Source Analysis: The Way They Go to California
What different types of transportation are these men trying to use to get to California? Cartoonists sometimes exaggerate, or overdo, physical characteristics of people and things. Zoom into a more detailed image of this cartoon and look for examples of exaggeration. Describe one example and explain why it is a form of exaggeration for this situation. Find out about…
Learning from the Source: I Have a Dream Image Sequencing
On August 28, 1963 a march organized by supporters of stronger civil rights legislation drew more than 250,000 people to Washington, D.C. Encouraged and inspired, Martin Luther King, Jr. strayed from the short speech he had prepared and delivered instead his famous extemporaneous I Have a Dream speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Primary…
Analyzing Primary Sources: Image Sequencing Activities
Image sequencing activities help students better understand written or spoken texts. Image sequencing requires groups of students to review an image set and match individual images with designated lines of text, discussing and justifying their choices. These activities give students great practice in the skills emphasized by the Common Core State Standards, particularly the CCSS standards…
Today in History: Franklin Pierce
Today in History–November 23–the Library of Congress features Franklin Pierce, born on this date in 1804. Learn more about our nation’s 14th president (1853-57) by visiting the Today in History section then click the links below to access more stories and primary sources about Franklin Pierce. Franklin Pierce to Andrew Jackson, February 2, 1844 Democratic ticket. For President, Gen. Franklin Pierce, of New Hampshire. 1852…
Guided Primary Source Analysis: Hippodrome Theater
Where was the Hippodrome Theater? What other details in the photograph support that answer? Use the Primary Source Nexus search box to look for more information about the Hippodrome Theater. What did you learn? Imagine you are one of the people on the street outside the Hippodrome Theater. What are you thinking or talking about?…