Today in History: Martin Van Buren

Today in History: Martin Van Buren

Today in History–December 5–the Library of Congress features Martin Van Buren, born on this date in 1782. Learn more about our nation’s 8th president (1837-41), also known as “The Little Magician” and the “Red Fox of Kinderhook” for his skill in political manipulation, by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more stories and primary…

Today in History: The Federalist Papers

Today in History: The Federalist Papers

Today in History–October 27–the Library of Congress features the Federalist Papers, the first of which was published on this day in 1787. This series of essays, 85 in all, were published in newspapers under the name of Publius but were actually written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. Their purpose, in essence, was to argue for the…