Today in History: Chief Joseph Surrenders

Today in History: Chief Joseph Surrenders

Today in History–October 5–the Library of Congress features the surrender of Nez Percé Chief Joseph to General Nelson A. Miles on this day in 1877. Learn more about the plight of this Native American tribe in the Today in History section then click the links below to access more primary resources and stories related to Chief Joseph, the Nez Percé, and other…

Today in History: Rutherford B. Hayes

Today in History: Rutherford B. Hayes

Today in History–October 4–the Library of Congress features President Rutherford B. Hayes, born on this day in 1822. After a bitterly contested election, Hayes became the nineteenth president of the United States in 1877 thanks to the vote of a special electoral commission. Learn more about Rutherford’s fascinating four years as chief executive by reviewing the Today in History section then click the…

Today in History: George Perkins Marsh

Today in History: George Perkins Marsh

Today in History–September 30–the Library of Congress features Congressman George Perkins Marsh, who delivered a speech on agricultural conditions in New England on this day in 1847 that recognized the capacity for environmental destruction and advocated for resource management and restoration. Find out more by reviewing the Today in History section and reviewing the resources below. George Perkins Marsh images George P. Marsh address delivered before…

Today in History: Rock Springs Massacre

Today in History: Rock Springs Massacre

Today in History–September 2–the Library of Congress features the Rock Springs massacre, which happened on this day in 1885 when a mob of white coal miners attacked their Chinese co-workers after they refused to participate in a strike for higher wages planned by the American miners. Find out more by visiting the Today in History section then click the links below…

Today in History: Federal Patent for Steamboat Awarded

Today in History: Federal Patent for Steamboat Awarded

Today in History–August 26–the Library of Congress features the awarding of a federal patent for the steamboat on this day in 1791 to two (!) men—John Fitch and James Rumsey—each who had devised different systems. Find out whose sketch of what is featured above and uncover more fascinating facts by visiting the Today in History section. Then, if you haven’t run out of…