Today in History: George Perkins Marsh

Today in History–September 30–the Library of Congress features Congressman George Perkins Marsh, who delivered a speech on agricultural conditions in New England on this day in 1847 that recognized the capacity for environmental destruction and advocated for resource management and restoration. Find out more by reviewing the Today in History section and reviewing the resources below.

George Perkins Marsh images

George P. Marsh address delivered before the Agricultural society of Rutland County, Sept. 30, 1847

Man and nature; or, Physical geography as modified by human action by George P. Marsh 1864

Historical newspaper coverage of George P. Marsh

A discourse commemorative of the Hon. George Perkins Marsh, LL. D., delivered before the faculty and students of Dartmouth college, June 5, 1883

The First Smithsonian Collection: European Engravings of George Perkins Marsh & the Role of Prints in the National Museum streaming webcast

Environmental legislation

Environmental Science Projects-Science Tracer Bullet

Environment-related interviews (audio recordings)

Environment images

More conservation & environment resources