Rank of Territories and States in Population at Each Census: 1790-1890

Guided Primary Source Analysis: States & Territories in Population

Review the complete document: “Statistical atlas of the United States, based upon the results of the eleventh census” H/T to educator extraordinaire, Cheryl Davis, aka @digitalteacher Which state had the biggest population growth according to this chart? Which region (Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Northwest, Southwest) had the biggest population gains during these 100 years? What other trend(s) can you…

The Anarchist Riot in Chicago - A Dynamite Bomb exploding among the police

Primary Source Learning: Chicago Anarchists & the Haymarket Affair

Overview Haymarket Affair Digital Collection—presents original manuscripts, broadsides, photographs, prints and artifacts regarding the Haymarket Affair, an 1886 conflict between labor protestors and members of the Chicago police force. Materials document the events leading up to the May 1886 riot, the arrest and trial of those accused of throwing a bomb that killed several police…

Synopsis of the fugitive slave law

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Synopsis of the Fugitive Slave Law

Review this synopsis of the fugitive slave law. Choose one of the synopsis points and find which part(s) of the fugitive law text the author drew from to create the summary. Use the text from the fugitive slave law to create your own synopsis using modern-day language. In the objections, the author states that the fugitive…

Practical illustration of the Fugitive Slave Law

Primary Source Spotlight: Fugitive Slave Law

Practical illustration of the Fugitive Slave Law Effects of the Fugitive-Slave-Law Triumph Fugitive slave law political cartoons Fugitive slave bill … Approved, September 18, 1850. Millard Fillmore Things to be remembered. Remember that the Whig administration of Millard Fillmore enacted the Fugitive Slave bill, in violation of the constitution and all the legal safeguards of…

The Book of Kings

Featured Source: The Book of Kings

Description Shahnameh Baysonqori is a copy of Shahnameh (Book of kings) composed by the highly revered Iranian poet Abū al-Qāsim Firdawsī (940–1020). The importance of Shahnameh in the Persian-speaking world is comparable that of Homer’s epics in the West. The book recounts in verse the mythological history of ancient Persia and tales of the famous heroes and personalities of Iranian history,…

King of Persia/Shah of Iran

World Spotlight: Iran

Iran country study Iran country profile Iran country profile BBC Iran timeline BBC Places in the News: Iran April 2007 April 2009 December 2010 June 2011 April 2013 Iran primary source set World Digital Library Iran maps Iran image set Persia image set Featured Image: The Book of Kings Books & articles about Iran Films & webcasts related to Iran Persia; Concert polka (sheet…

Walter Johnson, Washington Nationals, baseball card portrait

Today in History: Walter Johnson

Today in History–December 10–the Library of Congress features baseball player Walter Johnson, who died on this day in 1946. Johnson played 21 seasons with the Washington Senators and later became the team’s manager. Nicknamed “The Big Train”, Johnson is considered to have one of the best fastball pitchers ever. His accomplishments include the following: scored more…

Sod house, Custer County, Nebraska

State Spotlight: Nebraska

Nebraska stories from America’s Library Nebraska primary source set with Teacher’s Guide Prairie Settlement: Nebraska Photographs and Family Letters Nebraska images Nebraska maps Nebraska sheet music Nebraska oral history, speech & song recordings Nebraska books & other texts Nebraska historical newspapers U.S. legislation related to Nebraska Nebraska Guide to Law Online Literature Links: My Daniel – Hunting dinosaurs in Nebraska More Nebraska-related posts on PSN More U.S….

Army Life of an Illinois Soldier

Primary Source Spotlight: Illinois Civil War Resources

Illinois Civil War books (1800-1929) Illinois Civil War sheet music Illinois Civil War maps Illinois Civil War image set More Illinois Civil War images Illinois soldier historic newspaper coverage (1860-65) “The Union. V. Illinois and Missouri Compared” Continental monthly: devoted to literature and national policy Volume 3, Issue 3, March 1863 YouTube videos Illinois During the Civil War,…