Students at Irving School in Berwyn, IL analyzing a primary source

Analyzing Primary Sources in the New SATs

The Common Core State Standards emphasize primary source analysis (specifically, RH.9-10/11-12.1, RH.9-10/11-12.2, RH.9-10/11-12.9, RI.9-10/11-12.9). Now the retooled SAT will too according to Todd Balf’s article, “The Story Behind the SAT Overhaul“, published March 6, 2014 in the New York Times Magazine. Below is an excerpt. Click the previous link to read the full article. Starting in spring 2016, students will take…

Iran country profile 2009

Learning from the Source: Shifting Perspectives of Iran

Enduring Understandings* Politics is a process to determine who governs and for what purposes. Time, place, and culture influence our perspectives on people and issues. Different perspectives affect the interpretation of history. Activity Have students collaborate to compare and contrast how visual and text sources have described and depicted the country of Iran over time….

Children playing at the entrance to the temple, Nagoya, Japan

Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 5 Writing Prompts & Activities

Primary source images are great resources for integrating language arts with social studies. The activities below were designed around the grade 5 Common Core State Standards for writing. These fifth-grade writing prompts and activity ideas build on the K-4 writing prompts and activities. Text Types and Purposes CCSS Grade 5 Writing Standards Writing Prompts /…

Children are children the wide world round--little folks playing Hop Scotch in Cashmere, India

Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 4 Writing Prompts & Activities

Primary source images are great resources for integrating language arts with social studies. The activities below were designed around the grade 4 Common Core State Standards for writing. These fourth-grade writing prompts and activity ideas build on the K-3 writing prompts and activities. Text Types and Purposes Grade 4 Writing Standards Writing Prompts / Activity…

Chinese children at play--"the dragon's head"

Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 3 Writing Prompts & Activities

Primary source images are great resources for integrating language arts with social studies. The activities below were designed around the grade 3 Common Core State Standards for writing. These third-grade writing prompts and activity ideas build on the K-2 writing prompts and activities. Text Types and Purposes Grade 3 Writing Standards Writing Prompts / Activity…

Children playing "ring around a rosie" in one of the better neighborhoods of the Black Belt, Chicago, Illinois

Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 2 Writing Prompts & Activities

Primary source images are great resources for integrating language arts with social studies. The activities below were designed around the grade 2 Common Core State Standards for writing. These second-grade writing prompts and activity ideas build on the K-1 writing prompts and activities. Text Types and Purposes Grade 2 Writing Standards Writing Prompts / Activity…

Migrant agricultural worker's family.

Learning from the Source: Zooming into Documentary Photography

Zoom into the picture above and you will see a face recognizable to many. The mother in the photo is Florence Thompson, most famously known as the migrant mother. This photograph was one in a series taken in 1936 by Resettlement Administration photographer Dorothea Lange. In this primary source lesson, students will examine photographs individually…

Clifford Shorts' children playing

Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 1 Writing Prompts & Activities

Primary source images are great resources for integrating language arts with social studies. The activities below were designed around the grade 1 Common Core State Standards for writing. These first-grade writing prompts and activity ideas build on the kindergarten writing prompts and activities. Text Types and Purposes Grade 1 Writing Standards Writing Prompts / Activity…

Children playing with Campbell kid dolls.

Analyzing Primary Sources: Kindergarten Writing Prompts & Activities

Primary source images are great resources for integrating language arts with social studies. The activities below were designed around the Kindergarten grade-level Common Core State Standards for writing. Text Types and Purposes Kindergarten Writing Standards Writing Prompts / Activity Ideas 1. Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which…

Civil rights march on Wash[ington], D.C.

Analyzing Primary Sources: Bloom’s Taxonomy Image Writing Prompts

Remembering List the different shapes you see. How many people do you see? How many __________ do you see? List all of the objects that start with the letter “___”. Circle all of the people with _______. List all of the __________ that you see. What makes them different or the same? Understanding Estimate how…

Sam Ozaki, Veterans History Project

Learning from the Source: Digital Stories of Our Heroes

Engage students with a real-world activity that has them learning about U.S. history while adding to the collective American memory. This project allows students to learn and use interview and digital presentation skills to discover, elicit, and relate the stories of local veterans and others who contributed during times of conflict. To complete this project,…