Today in History: Manhattan Island

Today in History: Manhattan Island

Today in History–May 4–the Library of Congress features Manhattan Island. On this date in 1626, Dutch colonist Peter Minuit arrived on the wooded island at the behest of the Dutch West India Company. Minuit later “purchased” the island from resident Algonquin Indians for the equivalent of $24.  The town of New Amsterdam, located at the southern end of the island,…

World Spotlight: Wales

World Spotlight: Wales

The Story of the Nations: Wales 1902 More books, articles and other texts about Wales Charles D. Cleveland to Abraham Lincoln, Thursday, February 05, 1863 (Sends sermon from Wales) Wales image set Sheet music related to Wales U.S. veteran oral histories (service in Wales) Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection interviews mentioning Wales U.S. historical newspaper coverage of Wales through…

Primary Source Spotlight: Vachel Lindsay

Primary Source Spotlight: Vachel Lindsay

Books by Vachel Lindsay Adventures while preaching the gospel of beauty  c. 1914 A handy guide for beggars, especially those of the poetic fraternity 1916 The golden book of Springfield 1920 “General William Booth enters into Heaven” lyrics by Vachel Lindsay (video of song performance) Vachel Lindsay historic newspaper coverage through 1922 Vachel Lindsay images Illinois…

Primary Source Spotlight: Edna St. Vincent Millay

Primary Source Spotlight: Edna St. Vincent Millay

Edna St. Vincent Millay Birthday From the Catbird Seat blog March 5, 2013 Literary Birthday Celebration: Edna St. Vincent Millay webcast Publicity, Celebrity, Fashion: Photographing Edna St. Vincent Millay streaming webcast The Voice of Her Generation Library of Congress Information Bulletin January 1999 – Vol 58, No. 1 Edna St. Vincent Millay image set “There are no islands any…

Today in History: United States Military Academy at West Point

Today in History: United States Military Academy at West Point

Today in History–March 16–the Library of Congress features United States Military Academy at West Point, founded on this date in 1802. Located on the Hudson River north of New York City,  West Point is one of the world’s oldest military service academies and was attended by many of the nation’s leading military commanders.  The academy is well…

World Spotlight: Sri Lanka (Ceylon)

World Spotlight: Sri Lanka (Ceylon)

Sri Lanka was known as Ceylon prior to 1972. It has a long rich history. Prime Minister Sirimavo Ratwatte Dias was the world’s first woman prime minister, serving three terms: 1960-65, 1970-77, and 1994-2000. Sri Lanka country study Sri Lanka – Places in the News April 2009 Sri Lanka timeline BBC Sri Lanka maps U.S. veteran oral histories (service in…

World Spotlight: Senegal

World Spotlight: Senegal

Senegal primary sources from the World Digital Library Plan du Cap Verd 18th century map [Senegal] Senegal maps Senegal images Historical U.S. newspaper coverage of Senegal Senegal reports, books & other texts Senegal mentions in the Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection Darlin, komm mit mir nach Senegal! sheet music U.S. legislation related to Senegal Senegal: Guide to law online…

Presidential Spotlight: Herbert Hoover

Presidential Spotlight: Herbert Hoover

Herbert Hoover brief bio Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover: American Famine relief Campaign song of Herbert Hoover 1829 presidential opponent Herbert Hoover 1930 judicial nomination of John Parker Herbert Hoover inauguration primary source set Herbert Hoover: Executive Order 5398 – Establishing the Veterans’ Administration The American Presidency Project Herbert Hoover mentions in the Foreign Affairs Oral…

Today in History: Charles Julius Guiteau

Today in History: Charles Julius Guiteau

Today in History–December 31–the Library of Congress features presidential assassin Charles Julius Guiteau. On this date in 1881, Guiteau penned a New Year’s letter to his jailer while awaiting trial for the assassination of President James Garfield.  On July 2, 1881 Guiteau had shot the newly elected president who died seventy-nine days later of infections from the bullet wound. Guiteau’s trial…