Literature Links: 2020 National Book Festival

Literature Links: 2020 National Book Festival

Overview The 2020 National Book Festival ran from September 25-27 and featured a combination of prerecorded and interactive live Q&A programs with more than 120 authors, poets and illustrators. For a complete line-up of authors and their video presentations, please see the full video on demand list. Highlights from Children’s and Teen Stages at Virtual…

World Spotlight: Afghanistan

World Spotlight: Afghanistan

Afghanistan primary source set World Digital Library The Great Game and Afghanistan story map Voices from Afghanistan online exhibition highlighting citizen letters Afghanistan maps Afghanistan image set Films & webcasts related to Afghanistan Books & articles about Afghanistan Dance styles Pashtu Afghanistan Alan Lomax Collection Veteran oral histories Current Conflicts: Afghanistan and Iraq Persian Gulf and…

World Spotlight: Ireland

World Spotlight: Ireland

Ireland maps Ireland images Ireland books & reports Printed ephemera, personal narratives & other texts related to Ireland Sheet music related to Ireland Song & oral history recordings related to Ireland Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection interviews mentioning Ireland Recorded webcasts related to Ireland U.S. legislation related to Ireland Global Legal Monitor Ireland articles Guide…

World Spotlight: Ukraine

World Spotlight: Ukraine

Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Resources at the Library of Congress Ukraine primary source set World Digital Library Ukraine maps Ukraine image set Postcards of Kiev 1905-1940 Books & articles about Ukraine Final Report – Ukrainian, Chicago Ethnic Arts Project Films & webcasts related to Ukraine U.S. veteran oral histories (service in Ukraine) Oral histories mentioning Ukraine from…

World Spotlight: Iraq

World Spotlight: Iraq

Iraq country study Iraq country profile Iraq country profile BBC Iraq timeline BBC Places in the News: Iraq April 2003 June 2007 January 2008 June 2011 September 2012 November 2013 April 2014 June 2014 Iraq primary source set World Digital Library Iraq maps Iraq image set Books & articles about Iraq Films & webcasts related to Iraq U.S. veteran oral histories (service in Iraq, mainly…

World Spotlight: Venezuela

World Spotlight: Venezuela

Venezuela primary source set World Digital Library Venezuela images Videos related to Venezuela Venezuela maps Venezuelan song recordings Venezuelan literary recordings Venezuela books and documents (English & Spanish) U.S. historical newspaper articles mentioning Venezuela Service in Venezuela: U.S. veteran oral histories Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection interviews mentioning Venezuela U.S. legislation related to Venezuela Guide to…

Primary Source Spotlight: The Iroquois Confederacy

Primary Source Spotlight: The Iroquois Confederacy

Senate Resolution 702 — 115th Congress (2017-2018) was agreed to on November 26, 2018. It recognized the contributions of Native Americans to the United States, including the Iroquois Confederacy. Whereas Congress has recognized the contributions of the Iroquois Confederacy and the influence of the Iroquois Confederacy on the Founding Fathers in the drafting of the…

Timely Connections: Teaching About Presidential Impeachment

Timely Connections: Teaching About Presidential Impeachment

In the article, Teaching Impeachment in Politically Risky Times, Education Week discusses the issues teachers face in the current context and the importance of seizing this teachable moment. “For the nation’s government and civics teachers, it all comes down to this: The wheels of a rarely used, constitutionally prescribed process—impeachment—have been set in motion. And…

World Spotlight: Pakistan

World Spotlight: Pakistan

Pakistan: Places in the News articles Pakistan country profile Pakistan country study Pakistan profile BBC Pakistan timeline BBC Pakistan primary sources from the World Digital Library Pakistan maps Pakistan images Audio recordings related to Pakistan Pakistan: U.S. veteran’s oral histories Alan Lomax Collection Manuscripts, Pakistani indigenous singing groups Manuscripts, Performance style, Choreometrics, sources, Correspondence and notes…