Today in History: Independence Day

Today in History: Independence Day

Today in History–July 4–the Library of Congress features Independence Day, marking the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence on this day in 1776. The first anniversary was a spontaneous celebration, as John Adams recounted in a letter to his daughter Abigail. After the War of 1812, Independence Day celebrations became more common. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section,…

Today in History: James Smithson & the Smithsonian Institution

Today in History: James Smithson & the Smithsonian Institution

Today in History–June 27–the Library of Congress features the Smithsonian Institution founded by James Smithson, who died on this date in 1829. A renowned British scientist, Smithson left the endowment to “increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.” Find out more about the man and the institution that includes numerous museums and research centers in the Today in History section….

Today in History: Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Today in History: Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Today in History–June 5–the Library of Congress features Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This iconic American novel originally appeared in serial form, the first installment published on this day in 1851 in the abolitionist weekly the Washington National Era. The following year Stowe’s book was published and became an instant bestseller and later became a theatrical hit….

Today in History: Congress Approves 19th Amendment

Today in History: Congress Approves 19th Amendment

Today in History–June 4–the Library of Congress features U.S. Congressional approval of the the woman’s suffrage amendment on this day in 1919. But victory was still a ways off, It took over a year for the necessary three quarters of the 48 states (Alaska and Hawaii were not admitted into the Union until 1959) to ratify the 19th…

Today in History: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Today in History: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Today in History–May 25–the Library of Congress features the philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson, born on this day in 1803. A leader in the transcendentalist movement, Emerson embraced forward-looking social reforms including abolition, temperance, and woman suffrage. Learn more about this writer and poet by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access related resources. Books & articles by Ralph Waldo Emerson…

Today in History: Plessy v. Ferguson

Today in History: Plessy v. Ferguson

Today in History–May 18–the Library of Congress features the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson, which ruled on this day in 1896 that separate-but-equal facilities on intrastate railroads were constitutional. The decision gave legal sanction to Jim Crow segregation laws and the decision was not reversed until May 17, 1954 when the Supreme Court unanimously agreed that segregation was unconstitutional in the…

Today in History: Elizabeth Palmer Peabody & Kindergarten

Today in History: Elizabeth Palmer Peabody & Kindergarten

Today in History–May 16–the Library of Congress features educator Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, born on this day in 1804. Peabody opened the first English-language kindergarten in the United States in 1860. Learn more about this teacher, writer, and prominent figure in the Transcendental movement by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access primary sources related…

Today in History: Transcontinental Railroad Completed

Today in History: Transcontinental Railroad Completed

Today in History–May 10–the Library of Congress features the U.S. transcontinental railroad, celebrated on this day in 1869 when a symbolic golden spike was driven into the ground at Promontory Summit, in Utah Territory—approximately thirty-five miles away from Promontory Point, the site where the rails of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific were joined. This railroad connected the…

Today in History: Bird Day

Today in History: Bird Day

Today in History–May 4–the Library of Congress features Bird Day, first celebrated on this day in 1894. Pennsylvania school superintendent Charles Almanzo Babcock initiated this celebration, in conjunction with Arbor Day, to help encourage conservation training, particularly among young people. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more resources related to birds. Bird Day:…

Today in History: Frederick Law Olmsted

Today in History: Frederick Law Olmsted

Today in History–April 26–the Library of Congress features Frederick Law Olmsted, born on this day in 1822. Find out more about this world famous landscape architect by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access primary sources about Olmstead. Frederick Law Olmsted Papers Olmsted Associates Records Frederick Law Olmsted historical newspaper coverage Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic…