Primary Source Spotlight: The Nez Percé

Primary Source Spotlight: The Nez Percé

Nez Percé images Indian (Nez Percé) Land Cessions in the U.S. 1784-1894 The Nez Perce War The Galaxy, Volume 24, Issue 6, Dec 1877 “Lawyer of the Nez Perces” Washington Historical Quarterly 1934 Vol. 25, No. 1, p. 37-48 Historic newspaper coverage of the Nez Percé Oral history mentioning Nez Percé Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection Reports & other texts of the…

Primary Source Learning: Teaching Ideas for Different Primary Source Types

Primary Source Learning: Teaching Ideas for Different Primary Source Types

The Fall Issue of the TPS Quarterly is out and the featured article–“Beyond Typescript and Photographs: Using Primary Sources in Different Formats”–provides teaching ideas for using different primary source types in learning activities. Read the article to get tips on using handwritten manuscripts; posters, prints, and drawings; motion pictures; oral histories; historic sheet music and sound recordings; and…

Learning from the Source: Comparing Reports of the Battle of Little Bighorn

Learning from the Source: Comparing Reports of the Battle of Little Bighorn

Have students collaborate to compare U.S. newspaper coverage of the Battle of Little Bighorn with eyewitness accounts from Native Americans who were there. Ask them to compare descriptions of the battle as well as characterizations of opposing forces. Remind students to look for and note differences in tone, particularly as defined by word choice. You…