African American and white supporters of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

Integrating Tech: Freedom Summer 1964

Freedom Summer 1964 is a free digital learning tool from the Indiana University Center on Representative Government that explores key events surrounding this time in America’s history, and the impact of the Civil Rights movement on civil rights legislation. In Freedom Summer, players predict the outcomes of both civil and Congressional actions, and discover how…

Primary Source Spotlight: Race Riots/Protests

Primary Source Spotlight: Race Riots/Protests

Wilmington, North Carolina 1898 New York City 1900 Atlanta, Georgia 1906 Springfield, Illinois 1908 East St. Louis, Illinois 1917 Chicago 1919 U.S. 1919 Ocoee, Florida 1920 Tulsa, Oklahoma 1921 Rosewood, Florida 1923 Harlem, New York 1935 & 1943 & 1964 Mississippi 1962 Watts, Los Angeles 1965 Detroit, Michigan 1967 Washington D.C. 1968 Los Angeles -Rodney…