Primary Source Spotlight: Harlem Hellfighters

Primary Source Spotlight: Harlem Hellfighters

The Harlem Hellfighters was a German nickname for the African-American 369th Infantry Regiment, which ended up lauded for its valor. The regiment was also famous for its musicians, led by Lieutenant James Reese Europe. Discover more with this collection of secondary and primary sources. Secondary sources Harlem Hell Fighters: African-American Troops in World War I Headlines and…

Voting Rights Act 1965

Primary Source Spotlight: Voting Rights Act of 1965

Online exhibition items & curator notes Voting Rights Act of 1965 African American Odyssey Voting Rights Act of 1965 Civil Rights Act of 1964 Voting Rights Act of 1965 NAACP: A Century in the Fight for Freedom Voting rights political cartoons by Herb Block Don’t Be Getting Any Ideas That You Have a Right to Vote March 11,1965…


Collections Spotlight: All American News

Spanning from 1942-45, All-American news were the first newsreels produced for a black audience and were originally intended to encourage black Americans to participate in, and support the war effort, as well as to reflect an African-American perspective on world and national events. 1942 All-American news [1942-08]: includes segments about a Baltimore merchant marine who…

Viege, Switzerland

World Spotlight: Switzerland

Switzerland country profile BBC Switzerland timeline BBC Switzerland primary source set from the World Digital Library Switzerland map More Switzerland maps Basel, Switzerland map Switzerland images Films Bataille de fleurs et défilé de chars, I 1897 Scene in the Swiss village at Paris Exposition 1900 Swiss village, no. 2 1900 Swiss related webcasts Jung & Aging: Bringing to Life the…


World Spotlight: Morocco

Morocco primary source set World Digital Library Morocco map Fez and the Kingdom of Morocco map Morocco image set Morocco printed ephemera (tourism, food, folklore) Alan Lomax collection 1967 Moroccan chorus and dance song recording 1959 U.S. historical newspaper coverage of Morocco Books and other texts related to Morocco U.S. veteran oral histories (Morocco service) Morocco…

Palestina, siue Terræ Sanctæ descriptio

World Spotlight: Palestine

Palestine historical maps Palestine images Historical newspaper coverage of Palestine Palestine; or The Holy Land 1824 The History of Palestine 1851 Palestine Past and Present 1859 “Those holy fields.” Palestine, illustrated by pen and pencil 1874 A Palestine pilgrimage 1922 Report on the State of Palestine to Mr. Churchill March 28, 1921 Rights in Palestine 44 Stat….

Influenza spread by droplets sprayed from nose and throat

Primary Source Spotlight: Influenza

Early influenza sources An address of thanks from the faculty to the Right Honble, Mr. Influenzy for his kind visit to this country 1803 An account of the origin, symptoms, and cure of the influenza or epidemic catarrh 1832 Kartogramma “grippa”, oktiabrʹ 1889-mart 1890 shows occurrence of influenza by province (Russia) Influenza pandemic 1918-1919 Rampaging…


Primary Source Spotlight: Supreme Court

United States Reports official reports of decisions for the United States Supreme Court by Volume by Authoring Justice by Major Case Topic Supreme Court Nominations: Confirmed Supreme Court Nominations: Not Confirmed or Withdrawn U.S. legislation related to the Supreme Court 1973 and later The Supreme Court and the Constitution 1912 More books about the Supreme Court…

Barker at the grounds at the Vermont state fair

Today in History: County and State Fairs

Today in History–August 22–the Library of Congress features county and state fairs, many of which are held around this date. County and state fairs feature entertainment as well as showcase the agricultural industry and rural lifestyles. Learn more by reviewing the Today in History section, then click the links below to access primary sources & more. County and State…

Visit Mt. Egmont, New Zealand Scenic trip by train

World Spotlight: New Zealand

Places in the News: New Zealand April 2009 September 2010 February 2011 September 2011 July 2013 New Zealand country profile BBC New Zealand timeline BBC New Zealand primary source set World Digital Library New Zealand maps New Zealand image set Books & reports about New Zealand Historical newspaper coverage of New Zealand U.S. veteran oral history collections (service…


Today in History: Juneteenth

Today in History–June 19–TPS-Barat features Juneteenth. On this date in 1865, Major General Gordon Granger issued General Order No. 3 in Galveston, Texas, informing the slaves of the Emancipation Proclamation, issued two and a half years earlier by President Abraham Lincoln. Although Juneteenth was informally celebrated each year since 1865, it wasn’t until June 3,…