
World Spotlight: Venezuela

Venezuela primary source set World Digital Library Venezuela images Videos related to Venezuela Venezuela maps Venezuelan song recordings Venezuelan literary recordings Venezuela books and documents (English & Spanish) U.S. historical newspaper articles mentioning Venezuela Service in Venezuela: U.S. veteran oral histories Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection interviews mentioning Venezuela U.S. legislation related to Venezuela Guide to…

Six Nations

Primary Source Spotlight: The Iroquois Confederacy

Senate Resolution 702 — 115th Congress (2017-2018) was agreed to on November 26, 2018. It recognized the contributions of Native Americans to the United States, including the Iroquois Confederacy. Whereas Congress has recognized the contributions of the Iroquois Confederacy and the influence of the Iroquois Confederacy on the Founding Fathers in the drafting of the…

Primary Source Spotlight: Emmeline Pankhurst

Primary Source Spotlight: Emmeline Pankhurst

From the Library of Congress: Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928) was the unchallenged leader of the direct action wing of the British suffrage movement. She had, followers claimed, “invented most of the ingenious and daring devices of the “Militant Suffragette’ which have stirred up so much discussion throughout the civilized world.” Primary sources Emmeline Pankhurst image set…


World Spotlight: Pakistan

Pakistan: Places in the News articles Pakistan country profile Pakistan country study Pakistan profile BBC Pakistan timeline BBC Pakistan primary sources from the World Digital Library Pakistan maps Pakistan images Audio recordings related to Pakistan Pakistan: U.S. veteran’s oral histories Alan Lomax Collection Manuscripts, Pakistani indigenous singing groups Manuscripts, Performance style, Choreometrics, sources, Correspondence and notes…

Land of the Incas

World Spotlight: Peru

Peru: Places in the News Peru country study Country profile: Peru BBC Peru timeline BBC Peru primary source set from the World Digital Library Peru images Peru maps Pizarro in Peru sheet music Peruvian song recordings Peruvian literary recordings Manuscripts, Performance style, Choreometrics, sources, Correspondence and notes by culture, Peru Alan Lomax Collection Service in Peru: U.S. veteran…

Hello Girls

Primary Source Spotlight: World War I Hello Girls

Hello Girls: Topics in Chronicling America timeline and select newspaper articles Hello Girls articles from The Stars and Stripes Hello Girls Here in Real Army Duds March 29, 1918 Six Hello Girls Help First Army October 4, 1918 Doodlebug Call Brings Speedy Reply on Rhine June 13, 1919 Hello Girls articles from New York newspapers More…

March of the suffragettes

Collections Spotlight: Women’s Suffrage in Sheet Music 

Music has long had a powerful connection to social and political movements. The Women’s Suffrage in Sheet Music collection spans the years 1838-1923 and includes over 200 pieces of sheet music written by notable composers and everyday citizens and representing the views of both suffragists and anti-suffragists. Collection items Essays Music in the Women’s Suffrage…