Today in History: Martha Washington

Today in History: Martha Washington

Today in History–May 22–the Library of Congress features America’s first, first lady Martha Washington, who died on this day in 1802. Unfortunately, few of the letters written by Martha and George remain since she burned most before her death to protect their privacy. Learn more about this upstanding woman and consummate hostess by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Audio Recordings

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Audio Recordings

Written texts can be very powerful, but add sound and those words gain an extra dimension; just think of the difference between reading a speech and hearing one, particularly one delivered by a talented orator. In addition to speeches, primary source audio recordings include interviews, press conferences, testimonies, advertisements, entertainment broadcasts, and more. The Library…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Music

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Music

Music can trigger powerful emotions and brain research has shown the strong link between emotion and memory. Songs and sheet music, also referred to as musical scores, are great primary sources to use with students to enable them tap into the feelings and emotions surrounding historical events and figures. Analyzing recorded songs and sheet music, which often…

Today in History: Reverdy Johnson

Today in History: Reverdy Johnson

Today in History–May 21–the Library of Congress features attorney and statesman Reverdy Johnson, born on this day in 1796. Although personally opposed to slavery (he emancipated slaves inherited from his father), Johnson represented the slave-owning defendant in the 1857 Dred Scott U.S. Supreme Court case, which  decided that slaves could not be citizens. Learn more about this politician by visiting the Today in…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: An Airship with a “Jim Crow” Trailer

Guided Primary Source Analysis: An Airship with a “Jim Crow” Trailer

Explain what you think this political cartoon is trying to say, using details from the illustration to support your conclusions. Jim Crow is the name often used to refer to segregation laws and customs following the U.S. Civil War. Do you think this cartoon is a good argument for or against African American rights? Why? Jump…

Today in History: Plessy v. Ferguson

Today in History: Plessy v. Ferguson

Today in History–May 18–the Library of Congress features the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson, which ruled on this day in 1896 that separate-but-equal facilities on intrastate railroads were constitutional. The decision gave legal sanction to Jim Crow segregation laws and the decision was not reversed until May 17, 1954 when the Supreme Court unanimously agreed that segregation was unconstitutional in the…

Today in History: Kentucky Derby

Today in History: Kentucky Derby

Today in History–May 17–the Library of Congress features the Kentucky Derby, first run on this day in 1875. The oldest thoroughbred horse race in the United States, this famous event held at Churchill Downs in Kentucky was begun by Meriwether Lewis Clark, child of William Clark who named his son after his exploration partner Meriwether Lewis. Learn more about the race and…

Today in History: Elizabeth Palmer Peabody & Kindergarten

Today in History: Elizabeth Palmer Peabody & Kindergarten

Today in History–May 16–the Library of Congress features educator Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, born on this day in 1804. Peabody opened the first English-language kindergarten in the United States in 1860. Learn more about this teacher, writer, and prominent figure in the Transcendental movement by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access primary sources related…

Today in History: L. Frank Baum

Today in History: L. Frank Baum

Today in History–May 15–the Library of Congress features The Wonderful Wizard of Oz author L. Frank Baum, born on this day in 1856. Lyman Frank Baum was in his 40s by the time he became a bestselling author. Learn more about this writer and the extraordinary success of the Oz mass media franchise by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Political Cartoons

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Political Cartoons

Political cartoons, many of which contain both an image and text, are great primary sources to use with students to help them recognize and understand symbolism, perspective, and bias as well as put people, events, issues, and ideas into historical context. The analysis of political cartoons, like other primary source images, Common Core English Language Arts Standards (CCSS). They…

Today in History: Jamestown

Today in History: Jamestown

Today in History–May 14–the Library of Congress features Jamestown, Virginia, established on this day in 1607. The first winter was harsh and after eight months, only 60 of the 214 pioneers were still alive. By September of 1608, John Smith became a leader of Jamestown and the colony began to flourish. Learn more about the ups and downs of…