Today in History: Boll Weevil & Cotton

Today in History: Boll Weevil & Cotton

Today in History–December 11–the Library of Congress features the boll weevil, a cotton crop destroying insect which was honored by the town of Enterprise, Alabama on this day in 1919. Why? Because although the pest devastated the area’s cotton fields, residents were forced to end their dependence on cotton and to pursue mixed farming and…

Today in History: Wyoming

Today in History: Wyoming

Today in History–December 10–the Library of Congress features Wyoming, which granted women the right to vote on this day in 1869 while still a U.S. territory. Three months later the first women jurors reported for duty in Laramie, attracting international attention. Find out more by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to learn more about the culture…

Today in History: Air Raid on Pearl Harbor

Today in History: Air Raid on Pearl Harbor

Today in History–December 7–the Library of Congress features the Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbor, which occurred on this day in 1941. A hurried Navy dispatch sent out the news: AIR RAID ON PEARL HARBOR X THIS IS NOT DRILL. More than 2,300 Americans were killed, 160 aircraft were destroyed, and 12 ships sank. The next day the United States declared…

Today in History: Washington Monument

Today in History: Washington Monument

Today in History–December 6–the Library of Congress features the Washington Monument, completed on this day in 1884. Construction began on July 4, 1848  but stopped for 20 years owing to a lack of funds. Construction was completed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under order from President Ulysses S. Grant.  The 555-foot, 5-1/8″ marble obelisk honors…

Today in History: Phi Beta Kappa

Today in History: Phi Beta Kappa

Today in History–December 5–the Library of Congress features America’s first university honor society, Phi Beta Kappa, founded on this day in 1776 at the College of William and Mary. Six years prior, the Governor of Virginia had proclaimed the intention to “give, annually, two gold medals for the honour and merit of literary achievement” to students of the…

Today in History: William “Boss” Tweed

Today in History: William “Boss” Tweed

Today in History–December 4–the Library of Congress features New York City politician William “Boss” Tweed, who escaped from jail on this day in 1875. As leader of New York City’s Democratic Party, Tweed and his Tammany Hall cronies stole millions of dollars from the city. A vigorous campaign to unseat Tweed was ultimately successful when he was tried and convicted on charges…

Today in History: Mark Twain

Today in History: Mark Twain

Today in History–November 30–the Library of Congress features Mark Twain, born on this date in 1835 as Samuel Langhorne Clemens. Learn more about this masterful American writer by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more Twain resources. Stories about Mark Twain America’s Library The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn web pageturner More books & articles by Mark Twain “A…

Today in History: Straits of Magellan

Today in History: Straits of Magellan

Today in History–November 28–the Library of Congress features the Straits of Magellan. On this day in 1520, three ships under the command of Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan sailed into the “Sea of the South”. The fleet reached the island of Guam just four months later thanks to a remarkably smooth voyage that led the explorers to…

Today in History: John Peter Zenger Trial

Today in History: John Peter Zenger Trial

Today in History–November 27–the Library of Congress features the trial of newspaper man, John Peter Zenger. The trial judge, James Delancey, was born on this day in 1703. In the 1730s Zenger published articles in the New York Weekly Journal exposing the political machinations of Governor William Cosby who, in turn, charged Zenger with seditious libel. Zenger’s lawyer, Andrew Hamilton,…

Today in History: Sojourner Truth

Today in History: Sojourner Truth

Today in History–November 26–the Library of Congress features Sojourner Truth, who died on this day in 1883. Born into slavery, Truth claimed her freedom and became a well known preacher, abolitionist, and women’s rights advocate. Learn more about this extraordinary woman by visiting the Today in History section and clicking the links below. Sojourner Truth image set Address by Sojourner Truth: Proceedings…