Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 4 Writing Prompts & Activities

Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 4 Writing Prompts & Activities

Primary source images are great resources for integrating language arts with social studies. The activities below were designed around the grade 4 Common Core State Standards for writing. These fourth-grade writing prompts and activity ideas build on the K-3 writing prompts and activities. Text Types and Purposes Grade 4 Writing Standards Writing Prompts / Activity…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 3 Writing Prompts & Activities

Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 3 Writing Prompts & Activities

Primary source images are great resources for integrating language arts with social studies. The activities below were designed around the grade 3 Common Core State Standards for writing. These third-grade writing prompts and activity ideas build on the K-2 writing prompts and activities. Text Types and Purposes Grade 3 Writing Standards Writing Prompts / Activity…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 2 Writing Prompts & Activities

Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 2 Writing Prompts & Activities

Primary source images are great resources for integrating language arts with social studies. The activities below were designed around the grade 2 Common Core State Standards for writing. These second-grade writing prompts and activity ideas build on the K-1 writing prompts and activities. Text Types and Purposes Grade 2 Writing Standards Writing Prompts / Activity…

Learning from the Source: Zooming into Documentary Photography

Learning from the Source: Zooming into Documentary Photography

Zoom into the picture above and you will see a face recognizable to many. The mother in the photo is Florence Thompson, most famously known as the migrant mother. This photograph was one in a series taken in 1936 by Resettlement Administration photographer Dorothea Lange. In this primary source lesson, students will examine photographs individually…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 1 Writing Prompts & Activities

Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 1 Writing Prompts & Activities

Primary source images are great resources for integrating language arts with social studies. The activities below were designed around the grade 1 Common Core State Standards for writing. These first-grade writing prompts and activity ideas build on the kindergarten writing prompts and activities. Text Types and Purposes Grade 1 Writing Standards Writing Prompts / Activity…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Kindergarten Writing Prompts & Activities

Analyzing Primary Sources: Kindergarten Writing Prompts & Activities

Primary source images are great resources for integrating language arts with social studies. The activities below were designed around the Kindergarten grade-level Common Core State Standards for writing. Text Types and Purposes Kindergarten Writing Standards Writing Prompts / Activity Ideas 1. Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which…

Today in History: Television

Today in History: Television

Today in History–August 19–the Library of Congress features children’s television. On this date in 1950, ABC aired its first Saturday morning children’s television shows: Animal Clinic and the variety show Acrobat Ranch, which featured two young acrobats, Tumbling Tim and Flying Flo, and children competing in games and stunts. Learn more about children’s television as well as…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Tesla’s 1922 Tech Predictions

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Tesla’s 1922 Tech Predictions

Access this newspaper page online and zoom into the cartoon, what inventions are referenced in the comic? Now read the article. Are the same inventions referenced in the text? What other inventions does the article discuss? List the inventions discussed in the article that are a reality today. Compare and contrast one of the predicted inventions…

Today in History: Florence Kling Harding

Today in History: Florence Kling Harding

Today in History–August 15–the Library of Congress features Florence Kling Harding, born on this date in 1860. An ardent support of woman suffrage, Kling Harding was the first first lady to have the right to cast a ballot for her husband (Warren G.). Kling Harding was also an adept business woman and brought a professional identity to the…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Bloom’s Taxonomy Image Writing Prompts

Analyzing Primary Sources: Bloom’s Taxonomy Image Writing Prompts

Remembering List the different shapes you see. How many people do you see? How many __________ do you see? List all of the objects that start with the letter “___”. Circle all of the people with _______. List all of the __________ that you see. What makes them different or the same? Understanding Estimate how…

Today in History: Holmes Reaches Pikes Peak

Today in History: Holmes Reaches Pikes Peak

Today in History–August 5–the Library of Congress features Julia Archibald Holmes, who summited Pikes Peak on this date in 1858. She did so wearing her “American costume” of a hat, moccasins, short dress, and bloomers, the latter leading to the moniker bloomer girl. Learn more about this adventurous lady and the famous Colorado mountain peak by visiting the Today in History section and…