
Primary Source Spotlight: Reconstruction

Primary sources

Reconstruction images

Reconstruction sheet music

Newspaper articles related to Reconstruction 1865-99

Books and other texts related to Reconstruction

Oral histories related to Reconstruction

Abolition and Reconstruction map

Mapping Occupation – U.S. Army posts during Reconstruction University of Georgia

Jim Crow & Segregation primary source set & teachers’ guide

13th Amendment to the Constitution (1865)

Today in History: 14th Amendment

Today in History: Juneteenth

15th Amendment to the Constitution (1870)

Today in History: Plessy v. Ferguson

Freedmen’s Bureau

Buffalo Soldiers

Reconstruction and Its Aftermath The African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship

Stories about Reconstruction from America’s Library

Reconstruction 360 South Carolina ETV Commission

Reconstruction Era National Park Service

Teaching resources

Reconstruction primary source set with teacher guide

Civil War & Reconstruction primary source set with activity idea

Civil War & Reconstruction Timeline primary sources & activities

What were the challenges to African American citizenship after the Civil War? Teaching with Primary Sources program at the University of California, Davis

Handshake Deals: How Cartoons Told the Story of Reconstruction TPS Teachers Network Inquiry starter set

Guided Primary Source Analysis Activities