Primary Source Spotlight: Disease

Primary Source Spotlight: Disease

Select primary sources Anthony Fauci, MD, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health photograph Anti-malaria educational play put on by youngsters dealing with the treatment of the disease photograph Ayer’s sarsaparilla, for all blood diseases, cures others, will cure you Cheap lodging-houses as nests of disease…

Timely Connections: Worldwide Health Crisis

Timely Connections: Worldwide Health Crisis

As the world confronts global health problems such as epidemics or pandemics, involve your students in an authentic lesson that looks at past primary sources to increase understanding of health related issues. Encourage students to use past and current information and digital tools to research, make informed decisions and contribute to their own and their…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Doctor Fesler has arrived

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Doctor Fesler has arrived

Reverse Take a close look at the text features and illustrations on both sides of this leaflet. What information do you think the author wanted to highlight? What do you think readers would walk away remembering? Compare and contrast the information provided by the illustrations and bold text with the narrative text on the reverse side of…