Children playing at the entrance to the temple, Nagoya, Japan

Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 5 Writing Prompts & Activities

Primary source images are great resources for integrating language arts with social studies. The activities below were designed around the grade 5 Common Core State Standards for writing. These fifth-grade writing prompts and activity ideas build on the K-4 writing prompts and activities. Text Types and Purposes CCSS Grade 5 Writing Standards Writing Prompts /…

Children are children the wide world round--little folks playing Hop Scotch in Cashmere, India

Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 4 Writing Prompts & Activities

Primary source images are great resources for integrating language arts with social studies. The activities below were designed around the grade 4 Common Core State Standards for writing. These fourth-grade writing prompts and activity ideas build on the K-3 writing prompts and activities. Text Types and Purposes Grade 4 Writing Standards Writing Prompts / Activity…

Chinese children at play--"the dragon's head"

Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 3 Writing Prompts & Activities

Primary source images are great resources for integrating language arts with social studies. The activities below were designed around the grade 3 Common Core State Standards for writing. These third-grade writing prompts and activity ideas build on the K-2 writing prompts and activities. Text Types and Purposes Grade 3 Writing Standards Writing Prompts / Activity…

Children playing "ring around a rosie" in one of the better neighborhoods of the Black Belt, Chicago, Illinois

Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 2 Writing Prompts & Activities

Primary source images are great resources for integrating language arts with social studies. The activities below were designed around the grade 2 Common Core State Standards for writing. These second-grade writing prompts and activity ideas build on the K-1 writing prompts and activities. Text Types and Purposes Grade 2 Writing Standards Writing Prompts / Activity…

Clifford Shorts' children playing

Analyzing Primary Sources: Grade 1 Writing Prompts & Activities

Primary source images are great resources for integrating language arts with social studies. The activities below were designed around the grade 1 Common Core State Standards for writing. These first-grade writing prompts and activity ideas build on the kindergarten writing prompts and activities. Text Types and Purposes Grade 1 Writing Standards Writing Prompts / Activity…

Children playing with Campbell kid dolls.

Analyzing Primary Sources: Kindergarten Writing Prompts & Activities

Primary source images are great resources for integrating language arts with social studies. The activities below were designed around the Kindergarten grade-level Common Core State Standards for writing. Text Types and Purposes Kindergarten Writing Standards Writing Prompts / Activity Ideas 1. Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which…

Civil rights march on Wash[ington], D.C.

Analyzing Primary Sources: Bloom’s Taxonomy Image Writing Prompts

Remembering List the different shapes you see. How many people do you see? How many __________ do you see? List all of the objects that start with the letter “___”. Circle all of the people with _______. List all of the __________ that you see. What makes them different or the same? Understanding Estimate how…