World Spotlight: Qatar

World Spotlight: Qatar

World Digital Library Qatar primary sources Qatar maps Veteran oral histories with service in Qatar U.S. historical newspaper articles mentioning Qatar Qatar Guide to Law Online World Digital Library and the Qatar Foundation In Custodia Legis U.S. legislation related to Qatar Qatar web archives Qatar country profile BBC Qatar timeline BBC FIFA Qatar World Cup…

World Spotlight: Republic of Korea (South Korea)

World Spotlight: Republic of Korea (South Korea)

Republic of Korea maps South Korea maps Maps of Seoul, South Korea Under Japanese Occupation South Korea images Republic of Korea reports & other texts South Korea reports & other texts Republic of Korea: historical U.S. newspaper coverage South Korea: historical U.S. newspaper coverage Korean Culture Art Program and Concert event recording Republic of Korea:…

Collections Spotlight: LGBTQ+ Resources

Collections Spotlight: LGBTQ+ Resources

LGBTQ Activism and Contributions primary source set with teacher’s guide LGBTQ+ primary source set Photographs Posters Texts Select newspaper articles LGBTQ Activism & Contritbutions primary source set with teacher’s guide Serving in Silence: LGBTQ+ Veterans The History of Pride story map LGBTQ histories ONE Digital Archives USC LGBTQ resources Story Corps Speaking Out: LGBT Veterans…

Today in History: Earth Day

Today in History: Earth Day

Today in History–April 22–the Library of Congress features Earth Day, first celebrated on this day in 1970. Earth Day was the brainchild of Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin who wanted to raise public consciousness about air and water pollution. It is estimated that 20 million people nationwide attended events on the first Earth Day. Learn…

Today in History: United Nations

Today in History: United Nations

Today in History–October 24–the Library of Congress features the United Nations. On this day in 1945 the U.N. charter was ratified. Derived from the 1942 Declaration by United Nations—26 nations pledged to continue fighting against the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) in World War II—the final U.N. charter was signed by 51 member countries. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then…