Primary Source Learning About Lincoln

Primary Source Learning About Lincoln

We all can learn a lot from Abraham Lincoln. Below you will find links to primary source activities, lessons, and projects from the Library of Congress, TPS-Barat and other TPS consortium members. Abraham Lincoln: Rise to National Prominence primary source set and teacher’s guide Lincoln’s Life Abraham Lincoln & Me Activity Book Gettysburg Address Image…

Primary Source Learning: America’s Library

Primary Source Learning: America’s Library

The Teaching with the Library of Congress blog provides an overview of the resources found in America’s Library and some great teaching ideas for using the website with younger students or older English language learners. For more involved projects, click the links below to access two primary source projects using America’s Library resources from TPS-Barat….

Selecting Primary Sources: Learning Activity Criteria

Selecting Primary Sources: Learning Activity Criteria

The Teaching with the Library of Congress blog gives some great tips on selecting the most effective primary sources to use with your students. The TPS-Barat program offers some more tips, suggesting teachers ask themselves the following questions when choosing primary sources for use in the classroom. Goal – What is the overall activity or project goal?…