NHD 2023 – Frontiers in History: Places Resource Sets

NHD 2023 – Frontiers in History: Places Resource Sets

The 2023 National History Day theme is Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas. A frontier may be a geographical  area like a new region beyond some established border. While considering topics for history fair projects, keep the following questions from the NHD 2023 themebook in mind. What factors contributed to the development of a frontier?…

Story Maps

Finding Resources: Story Maps

Story Maps are immersive web applications that tell the incredible stories of the Library’s collections through narrative, multimedia, and interactive maps. The story maps are created within a Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based software platform created by Esri. Story Maps are chock full of primary sources, including photographs, illustrations, texts, newspaper articles, and even maps. “I find story…