Primary Source Spotlight: Fannie Lou Hamer

Primary Source Spotlight: Fannie Lou Hamer

Fannie Lou Hamer, Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party delegate, at the Democratic National Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey August 1964 | curator’s note Jury Frees Five Law Officers in Miss. Beating The Detroit Tribune. (Detroit, Mich.), 21 Dec. 1963 Civil Rights oral histories mentioning Fannie Lou Hamer Euvester Simpson Charles McLaurin Maria Varela Jennifer Lawson Peggy Jean…

Primary Source Spotlight: Charles Curtis

Primary Source Spotlight: Charles Curtis

Politician Charles Curtis of Kansas was, as he liked to tell audiences, “one-eighth Kaw Indian and a one-hundred per cent Republican”.  He was a member of both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, serving as Senate majority leader from 1924 until his inauguration as the 31st vice president in 1929. Representative Curtis…

Primary Source Spotlight: U.S. Presidential Inaugurations

Primary Source Spotlight: U.S. Presidential Inaugurations

“I Do Solemnly Swear…” U.S. Presidential Inaugurations primary source sets “I Do Solemnly Swear…” Inaugural Materials from the Collections of the Library of Congress online exhibition Inaugurations: Stepping into History presentation An Orderly Transition The Inaugural Address Looking Back and Looking Ahead Select historical newspaper articles The Inaugural–The Past Reign, the Coming Reign The Herald…

Primary Source Learning: U.S. Electoral College

Primary Source Learning: U.S. Electoral College

Background & context The Electoral College – What Is It and How Does It Function? In Custodia Legis November 6, 2012 Electoral College Fast Facts US House of Representatives History, Art & Archives The Electoral College National Archives The Electoral College National Conference of State Legislators Research Guide: The Law of the Electoral College Contemporary…

Primary Source Spotlight: 1876 Contested Presidential Election

Primary Source Spotlight: 1876 Contested Presidential Election

From America’s Library On the night of the 1876 presidential election, Republican candidate Rutherford B. Hayes went to bed early. He assumed that he had lost the election to his opponent, Democrat Samuel J. Tilden. Tilden did win the popular vote that night, but the Republicans challenged the validity of the electoral votes from three…

World Spotlight: Afghanistan

World Spotlight: Afghanistan

Afghanistan primary source set World Digital Library The Great Game and Afghanistan story map Voices from Afghanistan online exhibition highlighting citizen letters Afghanistan maps Afghanistan image set Films & webcasts related to Afghanistan Books & articles about Afghanistan Dance styles Pashtu Afghanistan Alan Lomax Collection Veteran oral histories Current Conflicts: Afghanistan and Iraq Persian Gulf and…

Teaching Now: Examining Social Justice Through Historical, Classic and Contemporary Sources

Teaching Now: Examining Social Justice Through Historical, Classic and Contemporary Sources

This is a guest post from Kasey Short, an eighth-grade English teacher at Charlotte Country Day school in North Carolina.  When I moved from 6th to 8th grade last year, one thing I thought about a lot was how I would approach teaching To Kill a Mockingbird. I knew that I wanted to provide historical…

Today in History: March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

Today in History: March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

Today in History–August 28–the Library of Congress features the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, held on this day in 1963. Around a quarter million people participated in this non-violent demonstration for civil rights seeking, among other things, equal access to public accommodations, decent housing, adequate and integrated education, the right to vote, and…

World Spotlight: Lebanon

Lebanon country study Lebanon country profile BBC Lebanon timeline BBC Places in the News: Lebanon May 2007 June 2006 February 2005 Lebanon primary source set World Digital Library Lebanon maps Lebanon image set Books & articles about Lebanon Films & webcasts related to Lebanon U.S. veteran oral histories (service in Lebanon) Oral histories mentioning Lebanon from the Foreign Affairs Oral…

World Spotlight: Croatia

World Spotlight: Croatia

Croatia primary source set from the World Digital Library Country profile: Croatia BBC Croatia timeline BBC Croatia images Croatia maps Service in Croatia: U.S. veteran oral histories Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection interviews mentioning Croatia Croatian American oral histories & song recordings More Croatian song recordings Croatia books, reports and other texts (English & Croatian) U.S. historical newspaper articles mentioning Croatia…