Teaching Now: Using the Primary Source Analysis Tool

Teaching Now: Using the Primary Source Analysis Tool

This is a guest post from Barbara Evans, a middle school language arts teacher at Holden Elementary in Chicago, Illinois. After working with TPS-Barat during the past year as part of the Chicago Public Schools Social Science Academy, I was excited to use primary sources in our literature studies. The primary source analysis tool is a great resource that I…

Today in History: Committee of Vigilance & Vigilantes

Today in History: Committee of Vigilance & Vigilantes

Today in History–May 15–the Library of Congress features San Francisco‘s second Committee of Vigilance organized on this day in 1856 to combat crime in the boomtown. Committee members were overwhelming Republicans and Democrat “crooks” were often the target of the vigilance. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access primary sources related to…

Today in History: Sojourner Truth

Today in History: Sojourner Truth

Today in History–November 26–the Library of Congress features Sojourner Truth, who died on this day in 1883. Born into slavery, Truth claimed her freedom and became a well known preacher, abolitionist, and women’s rights advocate. Learn more about this extraordinary woman by visiting the Today in History section and clicking the links below. Sojourner Truth image set Address by Sojourner Truth: Proceedings…

Today in History: Captivity Narratives

Today in History: Captivity Narratives

Today in History–February 29–the Library of Congress features captivity narratives. On this day in 1704, French soldiers and their Native American allies raided a frontier settlement in Massachusetts, killing many and forcing more to march through heavy snows to Canada (New France). Read more about this incident and other captivity narratives by visiting the Today in History section, then click the…

Today in History: Henry Wirz & Andersonville Prison

Today in History: Henry Wirz & Andersonville Prison

Today in History–November 9–the Library of Congress features Confederate officer Henry Wirz, executed as a war criminal on this day in 1865. Wirz was the commanding officer in charge of the Confederate prison at Andersonville, Georgia, also known as Camp Sumter.  Learn more about Banneker by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access more primary sources and teaching…