Mississippi River

Primary Source Spotlight: Mississippi River

Mississippi River maps Mississippi River images Civil War Mississippi River Fleet image set The River 1938 film Audio recordings related to the Mississippi River songs & oral histories The Mississippi River 1851 sheet music Correspondence related to the Mississippi River Reports & other texts related to the Mississippi River Mississippi River historical newspaper articles &…

Learning from the Source: The Negro Speaks of Rivers

Learning from the Source: The Negro Speaks of Rivers

Lesson objective In this primary source lesson students will gain a better understanding of the meaning and tone of “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” by completing a scaffolded close reading of the poem using multiple source types (written text, spoken word, music, photos, illustrations and maps) while developing personal, lasting connections to literature by creating their own related…

1996 Kids Quilt; Mississippi

State Spotlight: Mississippi

The September 25, 2012 Today in History post featured William Faulkner, creator of the fictional Yoknapatawpha County which was based upon and inspired by Lafayette County, Mississippi. Find out all about the real state of Mississippi through a review of thousands of primary sources available online from the Library of Congress. Mississippi primary source set with Teacher’s Guide Mississippi…