Learning from the Source: Primary Source Trail of Western Migration

Learning from the Source: Primary Source Trail of Western Migration

Background The “Corps of Discovery” expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in the years 1804-1806 was instrumental in opening up western North America to settlement. After this defining exploration, fur companies further investigated  westward routes. Financed by John J. Astor’s Pacific Fur Company, an 1812 expedition led by Robert Stuart began on the west coast…

Primary Source Learning: Math Activities That Add Up

Primary Source Learning: Math Activities That Add Up

Integrating primary sources into the social studies curriculum doesn’t take a quantum leap of imagination, but can you imagine how they could be paired with math? Numerous teachers who have gone through Teaching with Primary Sources programs delivered by TPS consortium members, have done just that. Intrigued? Check out their formulas for mathematical learning by…

Today in History: Mathematician & Astronomer Benjamin Banneker

Today in History: Mathematician & Astronomer Benjamin Banneker

Today in History–November 9–the Library of Congress features mathematician and astronomer Benjamin Banneker, born on this day in 1731. This largely self-taught surveyor and scientist influenced how African Americans were viewed during the Federal period. Learn more about Banneker by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more primary sources and other resources related to Banneker,…