World Spotlight: Mexico

World Spotlight: Mexico

Mexico country profile Mexico country study The Mexican Revolution and the United States 1910-1920 online exhibition Mexican primary sources from the World Digital Library Mexico maps Mexico images Mexico video recordings Mexico songs Mexico sheet music Mexican literary recordings Mexico books & documents Select newspaper articles: Mexican Revolution (1910-1920) More U.S. historical newspaper coverage of Mexico…

Today in History: Dominican Republic

Today in History: Dominican Republic

Today in History–June 26–the Library of Congress features the Dominican Republic. On this day in 1924, U.S. troops pulled out after 8 years of occupying the Caribbean nation. Learn more about the island nation’s road to independence by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more resources related to the Dominican Republic. Country Study: Dominican Republic Dominican Republic country…

World Spotlight: Cuba

World Spotlight: Cuba

Cuba Country Study Cuba primary source set from the American Memory collections Cuba primary source set from the World Digital Library Cuba maps Cuba image set Cuba films & webcasts Cuba sheet music Cuba/Cuban songs & oral histories Cuban literary recordings Foreign Affairs oral histories: Cuban missile crisis Veteran oral histories service location: Cuba Cuba books…

Today in History: Norway

Today in History: Norway

Today in History–May 17–the Library of Congress features Norwegian Constitution Day, celebrated on this date in commemoration of the 1814 adoption of Norway’s constitution. Learn more about this Northern European country and Norwegian Americans by visiting the Today in History section and clicking the links below to access related primary sources. Glad Syttonde Mai! Celebration of…

Today in History: Maryland

Today in History: Maryland

Today in History–March 25–the Library of Congress features Maryland. On this date the state celebrates the 1634 arrival of the first colonists to the land chartered to Cecil Calvert, the second Lord Baltimore. One of the original 13 colonies, today Maryland is known as the “free” state. Learn more about this state on the Eastern seaboard by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the…

Today in History: Idaho

Today in History: Idaho

Today in History–March 4–the Library of Congress features Idaho. On this date in 1863 President Lincoln signed an act creating Idaho Territory. The area burgeoned and was admitted to the Union as a state in 1890. Learn more about this gem of a state by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to thousands of primary sources related to…

Today in History: Indiana

Today in History: Indiana

Today in History–February 25–the Library of Congress features the British surrender of Fort Sackville at Vincennes, Indiana on this date in 1779. Despite a 1763 prohibition against western settlement, colonists had continued to travel to Indiana and other areas west of the Appalachians. Learn more about the defense of Fort Sackville by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links…

World Spotlight: China

World Spotlight: China

China primary sources from the World Digital Library collection China maps China books & other texts China: historical U.S. newspaper coverage China / Chinese: song recordings & oral histories China / Chinese: sheet music China: U.S. veteran’s stories China / Chinese films & webcasts Images of China Images of Chinese Chinese flutes artifact images U.S. legislation related to…

Today in History: Columbus, Georgia

Today in History: Columbus, Georgia

Today in History–February 19–the Library of Congress features Columbus, Georgia. On this date in 1917, future literary star Carson McCullers was born. Learn more about the city that influenced author Carson McCullers writing by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to thousands of primary sources related to the city of Columbus and the state of Georgia. Carson McCullers…

Today in History: Nicaragua

Today in History: Nicaragua

Today in History–January 2–the Library of Congress features the central American country of Nicaragua. On this date in 1933 the United States Marine Corps withdrew from Nicaragua after maintaining a presence there for more than 20 years. Learn some more about this U.S.-Nicaraguan connection by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access related primary sources. Nicaragua country study (history, culture,…

Today in History: Wyoming

Today in History: Wyoming

Today in History–December 10–the Library of Congress features Wyoming, which granted women the right to vote on this day in 1869 while still a U.S. territory. Three months later the first women jurors reported for duty in Laramie, attracting international attention. Find out more by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to learn more about the culture…