Today in History: George Washington, Master Mason

Today in History: George Washington, Master Mason

Today in History–August 4–the Library of Congress features freemasonry. George Washington became a Master Mason, the highest rank in the Fraternity of Freemasonry, on this date in 1753. To learn more about freemasons and freemasonry, visit the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more primary sources. Free mason primary source set Freemason primary source set Free masonry primary source set…

Today in History: Calvin Coolidge

Today in History: Calvin Coolidge

Today in History–August 3–the Library of Congress features Calvin Coolidge, sworn into office as President of the United States on this day in 1923 after the unexpected death of Warren Harding. During his six years as prosperity, Coolidge focused on business and the consumer economy grew rapidly. To learn more about Calvin Coolidge and the Coolidge era, visit the Today in History section, then click…

Today in History: Colorado

Today in History: Colorado

Today in History–August 1–the Library of Congress features Colorado, which entered the Union this day in 1876, becoming the thirty-eighth state known as the Centennial State. Visit the Today in History section to learn about the state’s history and culture, then follow the links below to access more primary source treasures. Colorado primary source set with Teacher’s Guide Raising Voices: Annotated Resource Sets…

Today in History: Don Carter & Bowling

Today in History: Don Carter & Bowling

Today in History–July 29–the Library of Congress features bowling great Don Carter, born on this day in 1926. Did you know that people have been bowling since ancient times? Find out more fascinating facts by visiting the Today in History section, then check out the primary source sets below. Bowling images Bowling alley images Bowling books & other texts 1860-1939 In defense of…

Today in History: The “Bonus Army”

Today in History: The “Bonus Army”

Today in History–July 28–the Library of Congress features the “Bonus Army” or “Bonus Expeditionary Forces (B.E.F.)”, some 15-20,000 World War I veterans who  camped out in the nation’s capital to request early payment of cash bonuses not payable to them until 1945. On July 28, 1932 the protestors were met by Major George S. Patton and federal…

Today in History: Architect Cyrus Eidlitz

Today in History: Architect Cyrus Eidlitz

Today in History–July 27–the Library of Congress features New York and architect Cyrus Eidlitz, born on this day in 1853. Eidlitz was the architect of the Times building, for which Times Square was named. Find out more by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access more primary source treasures about New York architects and architecture. Architect Cyrus…

Today in History: Orson Welles’ First Macbeth

Today in History: Orson Welles’ First Macbeth

Today in History–July 25–the Library of Congress features Macbeth,  “The Play That Electrified Harlem“. The closing night performance of Macbeth, produced by John Houseman and directed by Orson Welles for the Federal Theatre Project (FTP) of the Works Progress Administration (WPA), was staged on July 25, 1936 and featured an all African-American cast. Find out more about this production by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the…

Today in History: Cleveland, Ohio

Today in History: Cleveland, Ohio

Today in History–July 22–the Library of Congress features Cleveland, Ohio. When General Moses Cleaveland and a party of surveyors arrived at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River on July 22, 1796, they thought it would make an ideal location for a new town. The city became officially known as Cleveland when the Cleveland Advertiser dropped the first “a” in the city’s name to reduce…

Today in History: The Seneca Falls Convention

Today in History: The Seneca Falls Convention

  Today in History–July 20–the Library of Congress features day two of the Seneca Falls Convention, the first women’s rights convention, which was held July 19-20 in 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York. Find out more about the fascinating women who convened there and their long struggle for equality visiting the Today (July 19) in History and Today (July 20) in…

Today in History: Washington D.C.

Today in History: Washington D.C.

Today in History–July 16–the Library of Congress features Washington D.C. It’s designation as the United States capital city was assured on this date in 1790 with the signing of the Residence Act. Learn more about the planning of this singular city by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access more primary source treasures. Primary source…

Today in History: Owen Wister & Cowboy Culture

Today in History: Owen Wister & Cowboy Culture

Home on the Range (.mp3) Today in History–July 14–the Library of Congress features novelist Owen Wister, born on this day in 1860, whose 1902 novel The Virginian helped create the myth of the American cowboy. Click on the image above to zoom into key scenes from the novel highlighted on this literary map, then visit the Today in History section to learn…