Today in History: Rock of Chickamauga

Today in History: Rock of Chickamauga

Today in History–July 31–the Library of Congress features Civil War General George H. Thomas, born on this date in 1816. Although he was born in Virginia, Thomas allied with the Union in the Civil War. Thomas’ 1863 defense of Chickamauga Creek in northwestern Georgia led to the moniker the “Rock of Chickamauga”. The following year he played a key role in the…

Today in History: Battle of Cold Harbor

Today in History: Battle of Cold Harbor

Today in History–June 3–the Library of Congress features the second Battle of Cold Harbor, begun on this day in 1864. The bloody battle ensued when Union General Ulysses S. Grant encountered Confederate troops in Virginia as he made his way to Richmond. Approximately 7,000 Union troops perished and Confederate forces suffered around 1,500 casualties in the nine-day fight….

Today in History: Pennsylvania Avenue

Today in History: Pennsylvania Avenue

Today in History–May 23–the Library of Congress features Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. On this day in 1865 the Army of the Potomac paraded down Pennsylvania Avenue in celebration of the end of the Civil War. Just weeks before, mourners had watched Abraham Lincoln‘s funeral cortege pass by the same route.  A march down Pennsylvania Avenue has been featured in every…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Doctor Fesler has arrived

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Doctor Fesler has arrived

Reverse Take a close look at the text features and illustrations on both sides of this leaflet. What information do you think the author wanted to highlight? What do you think readers would walk away remembering? Compare and contrast the information provided by the illustrations and bold text with the narrative text on the reverse side of…

Today in History: Impeachment

Today in History: Impeachment

Today in History–May 16–the Library of Congress features presidential impeachments. On this day in 1868, the U.S. Senate failed by one vote to convict President Andrew Johnson of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” under the eleventh article of impeachment.  The second trial of a U.S. president—President Bill Clinton—on articles of impeachment occurred in January and February of 1999….

Today in History: Arlington National Cemetery

Today in History: Arlington National Cemetery

Today in History–May 13–the Library of Congress features Arlington National Cemetery. On this day in 1864  a Confederate prisoner of war was buried on the grounds of Arlington House in Virginia, on the Potomac River opposite Washington, D.C. Today, the cemetery is the final resting place for soldiers from every war in which the United States has participated,…

Today in History: Grant’s Army Attacks Confederate Lines at Petersburg

Today in History: Grant’s Army Attacks Confederate Lines at Petersburg

Today in History–April 2–the Library of Congress features the attack of Confederate lines at Petersburg, Virginia on this day in 1865. Led by U.S. General Ulysses S. Grant, the battle lasted less than a day and helped hasten the capture of Richmond about a month later. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access…

Today in History: John C. Calhoun

Today in History: John C. Calhoun

Today in History–March 18–the Library of Congress features politician John C. Calhoun, born on this date in 1782. Calhoun served as a congressman, senator, secretary of war, secretary of state, and vice president of the United States but may be best known for his defense of slavery, particularly in relation to the Nullification Proclamation and the Compromise of 1850. Learn…

Today in History: William T. Sherman

Today in History: William T. Sherman

Today in History–March 11–the Library of Congress features General William T. Sherman, who destroyed the Confederate arsenal upon capturing the town of Fayetteville, North Carolina, on this date in 1865. Just about one month later, the Confederacy surrendered, ending the Civil War. Learn more about Sherman as well as war-time work carried out by women by visiting the Today in History section. For…

Today in History: Julia Ward Howe

Today in History: Julia Ward Howe

Today in History–January 28–the Library of Congress features Julia Ward Howe, who became the first woman elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters on this date in 1908. Howe and her husband were active in the abolitionist movement. Later, time spent with Union troops inspired Howe to write the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” to the tune…