Timely Connections: Foundational Lessons in Democracy & Civil Discourse

Timely Connections: Foundational Lessons in Democracy & Civil Discourse

“Conspiracy theories run amok. Fear of spies and meddling in American politics at the highest levels by foreign powers. A bipartisan divide so bitter that the federal government moves to muzzle what many politicians believe to be a biased, out-of-control news media.” Current events? Actually, the excerpt paints a picture of the political climate during…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Massachusetts Did It

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Massachusetts Did It

What is the definition of radicalism? Do you agree with the cartoonist’s choice to represent radicalism with a snake? Why or why not? Read the notes for this political cartoon. Do you think the elephant was a good choice to represent the G.O.P, or Republican party during this time period? Why or why not? Use…