Learning from the Source: Perceptions & Roles of American Women

Learning from the Source: Perceptions & Roles of American Women

Enduring understanding Time, place, and culture influence our perspectives on people and issues. Essential question How have perceptions of women in America and their roles in society evolved over time? Lesson prep Review and read all primary sources. Prepare primary sources for online or paper analysis. Have packs of sticky notes (three different colors) available….

Learning from the Source: Pledge of Allegiance Image Sequencing

Learning from the Source: Pledge of Allegiance Image Sequencing

Most school children in the United States recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. But what does the pledge really mean? By pairing primary sources with the text, students will deepen their understanding of a citizen’s commitment to country. After, instruct students to create and decorate their own pledge to family, heritage, culture, class, or…

Today in History: Reverdy Johnson

Today in History: Reverdy Johnson

Today in History–May 21–the Library of Congress features attorney and statesman Reverdy Johnson, born on this day in 1796. Although personally opposed to slavery (he emancipated slaves inherited from his father), Johnson represented the slave-owning defendant in the 1857 Dred Scott U.S. Supreme Court case, which  decided that slaves could not be citizens. Learn more about this politician by visiting the Today in…