Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Political Cartoons
Political cartoons, many of which contain both an image and text, are great primary sources to use with students to help them recognize and understand symbolism, perspective, and bias as well as put people, events, issues, and ideas into historical context. The analysis of political cartoons, like other primary source images, Common Core English Language Arts Standards (CCSS). They…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Abolition Frowned Down
Access a larger image of this political cartoon. Do you think this cartoon supports or opposes abolition? Explain your reasoning, pointing to specific details in the source that support your view. Now review the bibliographic record and closely read the summary. Do you think this cartoon supports or opposes abolition? Explain your reasoning, pointing to specific details in…

Today in History: William Jennings Bryan
Today in History–March 19–the Library of Congress features William Jennings Bryan, born on this day in 1860. Famous for his oratorical skills, Bryan served two terms as a U.S. representative then ran for president three times. Although unsuccessful, he did serve as President Woodrow Wilson’s Secretary of State. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then clicking the links below…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: The Way They Go to California
What different types of transportation are these men trying to use to get to California? Cartoonists sometimes exaggerate, or overdo, physical characteristics of people and things. Zoom into a more detailed image of this cartoon and look for examples of exaggeration. Describe one example and explain why it is a form of exaggeration for this situation. Find out about…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Tree of Liberty
Click here to save and download this primary source in .pdf format. Open up the document and use the magnification dropdown to look carefully at the political cartoon; if you are having trouble reading the text, use the transcription provided in the summary above. The illustration shows both northern and southern points of view. What…