Today in History: Charles Julius Guiteau

Today in History: Charles Julius Guiteau

Today in History–December 31–the Library of Congress features presidential assassin Charles Julius Guiteau. On this date in 1881, Guiteau penned a New Year’s letter to his jailer while awaiting trial for the assassination of President James Garfield.  On July 2, 1881 Guiteau had shot the newly elected president who died seventy-nine days later of infections from the bullet wound. Guiteau’s trial…

Today in History: William McKinley

Today in History: William McKinley

Today in History–September 06–the Library of Congress features President William McKinley, shot on this day in 1901 just six months after his second inauguration. President McKinley died eight days later, reportedly while singing his favorite hymn, “Nearer my God to Thee, Nearer to Thee“. Anarchist Leon Czolgosz is found guilty of assassinating the president and is executed less than two…