Today in History: San Diego, California

Today in History: San Diego, California

Today in History–September 28–the Library of Congress features San Diego, California. On this date in 1542 Portuguese explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo sailed into San Diego Bay under the Spanish flag. Learn about the evolution of this southern California city by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access more primary source treasures. Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo sailed into San Diego Bay…

Primary Source Learning: Oral Histories & Personal Narratives

Primary Source Learning: Oral Histories & Personal Narratives contains numerous oral history and personal narrative resources. Check out the lists below! Teaching resources Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Oral Histories Learning from the Source: Chicago Meatpackers & the Unions Learning from the Source: Digital Stories of Our Heroes Learning from the Source: Media & Migrant Laborer Perspectives Primary Source Learning: September 11,…

Learning from the Source: Close Reading in Service of a Cause

Learning from the Source: Close Reading in Service of a Cause

Activity overview Close reading is an opportunity to read and reread thoughtfully and with purpose. By breaking down the analysis of texts and other primary sources into distinct chunks, you can increase rigor and help students more easily climb the staircase of complexity required by the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). In this primary source…

Today in History: September 11, 2001

Today in History: September 11, 2001

Today in History–September 11–the Library of Congress features the terrorist attacks on the United States. On September 11, 2001, terrorists hijacked four airplanes and killed thousands as they destroyed the World Trade Center towers in New York and damaged the Pentagon in Virginia; a fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania after passengers struggled with hijackers. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section…