Slave market of America

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Slave Market of America

What contradiction does this broadside illustrate and discuss? Support your conclusion using specific details from the source. Who created this broadside? Using details from the source to support your responses, explain the purpose of this broadside and the intended audience. Review the bibliographic record for this source, in particular the summary. What more did you…

Featured Source: The Gerry-mander

Featured Source: The Gerry-mander

Curator’s note In 1812, Jeffersonian Republicans forced through the Massachusetts legislature a bill rearranging district lines to assure them an advantage in the upcoming senatorial elections. Although Governor Elbridge Gerry had only reluctantly signed the law, a Federalist editor is said to have exclaimed upon seeing the new district lines, “Salamander! Call it a Gerrymander.”…

Martin Luther King, Jr., three-quarter-length portrait, standing, facing front, at a press conference

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Martin Luther King, Jr. – Why We Can’t . . .

The last word in the sign next to Martin Luther King, Jr. is mostly covered by a microphone. List the word that you think is on the sign and why you think that. The words on the sign were the title of a book King published the year before the photograph was taken. Investigate the sources…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Leonard Bernstein Illustrated Letter

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Leonard Bernstein Illustrated Letter

Leonard Bernstein was a famous American composer and conductor. Don’t read the words, just study the illustrations. Zoom into the images online. What is the setting? What is the story? Now read the letter. Challenge yourself to decipher the writing on the pages, then read the transcript. How does the actual letter compare with the…

The Aztec Tonalpohualli Calendar

Featured Source: Aztec Tonalpohualli Calendar

Description The Tovar Codex, attributed to the 16th-century Mexican Jesuit Juan de Tovar, contains detailed information about the rites and ceremonies of the Aztecs (also known as Mexica). The codex is illustrated with 51 full-page paintings in watercolor. Strongly influenced by pre-contact pictographic manuscripts, the paintings are of exceptional artistic quality. The manuscript is divided…

Los sueños de las posadas o un magnífico aguinaldo

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Los sueños de las posadas

Reverse side What can you discover about the content of this broadside just by looking at the illustrations? Explain your discoveries using specific details from the images to support your responses. front side larger image | back side larger image Now review the bibliographic record, paying particularly close attention to the summary. In what ways were your discoveries…