Collections Spotlight: José Rizal

José Rizal was a writer and Filipino nationalist who condemned the Catholic Church for its promotion of Spanish colonialism and founded the Liga Filipina, a political group dedicated to peaceful change. He was exiled and eventually executed but is recognized today as a national hero of the Philippines.
José Rizal historical U.S. & Puerto Rico newspaper coverage
José Rizal, 1861-1896 memorial broadside with bust portrait, on the 3rd anniversary of his execution
Texts by José Rizal Project Gutenberg
José Rizal: discussion of in congressional speech by Representative Henry Cooper June 19, 1902
Views of Dr. Rizal, the Filipino scholar, upon race differences 1902
José Rizal: in The Philippines: A Geographical Reader 1903
“What Would Rizal, Were He Alive Today, Be Found Advocating or Doing?” 1921 essay by Zoilo M. Galang
Author and poet Jon Pineda discusses José Rizal (34:30 to 36:15)
Remembering José Rizal, Filipino Revolutionary In Custodia Legis
Catholicism in the Philippines during the Spanish Colonial Period 1521-1898 4 Corners of the World