Primary Source Spotlight: Astronomy
Finding Our Place in the Cosmos: From Galileo to Sagan and Beyond Library collection
Understanding the Cosmos primary source iBook
Historical newspaper coverage: astronomy
Astronomy and other “Onomies” sheet music
The old country fiddler on astronomy audio recording
U.S. legislation related to astronomy
Astronomy: Selected Internet resources
Women in Astronomy: A Comprehensive Bibliography
Science Subject Guide: Astronomy, Math, Physics
Today in History: Mathematician & Astronomer Benjamin Banneker
Primary Source Spotlight: Solar Eclipse
Astronomy-related guided primary source analysis activities
- Automatic Asteroid Finder
- Evening Sky Map April, 1912
- Geology of the Solar System
- Great Moon Hoax
- How the Sun Spots Control Our Weather
- Maya Dresden Codex
- Solar System Displayed
- Solving the riddle of Mars?
Science & Technology primary source collections & teaching resources