Primary Source Spotlight: King Kamehameha
From America’s Library:
Born: Between 1740 and 1758
Died: May 8, 1819King Kamehameha I, also known as Kamehameha the Great, was the head of a dynasty (a succession of rulers from the same family) that ruled the Hawaiian islands for more than a century. Legend has it that he was born at the time of the appearance of Halley’s comet and that this was a sign that he would rise to greatness. The name Kamehameha (pronounced kuh-may-ha-may-ha) means “the one set apart.”
More King Kamehameha stories from America’s Library
The Napoleon of the Pacific, Kamehameha the Great (1919)
A bill to establish the Kamehameha the Great National Monument in the State of Hawaii
Kamehameha: King Kamehameha’s Favorite Melody (song recording)