Primary Source Spotlight: Samuel Morse

Primary Source Spotlight: Samuel Morse

Background Samuel F.B. Morse Sent the First Telegraphic Message from America’s Library What Hath God Wrought? curator video about first telegram Samuel F. B. Morse Papers at the Library of Congress 1793 to 1919 (see collection highlights below) Art & Travel Artist, Politician, Photographer Childhood & Family Life Daguerreotype Impact of the Telegraph Invention of the Telegraph…

Today in History: First Telegraphic Message Sent

Today in History: First Telegraphic Message Sent

Today in History–May 24–the Library of Congress features the first telegraphic message, sent on this day in 1844 by Samuel F. B. Morse. This invention opened up a whole new era in communications. Learn more about Morse the inventor, Morse the painter, and the telegraph by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access numerous related primary…