Primary Source Spotlight: Second Amendment & Gun Control

Primary Source Spotlight: Second Amendment & Gun Control

Bill of Rights Political cartoons Solution to Nothing Herb Block March 2, 1954 Sportsmen! Kids! Maniacs! Herb Block November 27, 1963 (source record) You Don’t Even Need to Limit Yourself to a Few People Herb Block December 29, 1964 (source record) Don’t Point That Thing at Me! Herb Block March 10, 1965 (source record) It’s like the gun lobby guys…

Primary Source Learning: U.S. Constitution

Primary Source Learning: U.S. Constitution Constitution Annotated analysis & interpretation of the U.S. Constitution Timely Connections: Constitutional Rights of Students Guided primary source analysis activities The Constitutional Amendment National Anti-Suffrage Association Lessons from the Citizen U Multidisciplinary Civics Lesson Library Find Your Freedom Beyond the Bill of Rights Citizen U Constitutional Rights Foundation Introduction to the Constitution California History-Social…

Today in History: The Bill of Rights

Today in History: The Bill of Rights

Today in History–December 15–the Library of Congress features the Bill of Rights, ratified on this day in 1791. Did you know that, originally, 12 amendments were proposed? The original first amendment dealt with the number of people each congressional district should have and the second with congressional pay; neither was ratified but the latter did become…