Primary Source Spotlight: Second Amendment & Gun Control

Primary Source Spotlight: Second Amendment & Gun Control

Bill of Rights Political cartoons Solution to Nothing Herb Block March 2, 1954 Sportsmen! Kids! Maniacs! Herb Block November 27, 1963 (source record) You Don’t Even Need to Limit Yourself to a Few People Herb Block December 29, 1964 (source record) Don’t Point That Thing at Me! Herb Block March 10, 1965 (source record) It’s like the gun lobby guys…

Today in History: Lend-Lease Act

Today in History: Lend-Lease Act

Today in History–October 23–the Library of Congress features the Lend-Lease Act. On this day in 1941 the U.S. stepped closer to direct involvement in World War II when the Senate passed a $5.98 billion supplemental Lend-Lease bill. The Lend-Lease Act, passed in March, 1941, gave President Roosevelt nearly unlimited power to provide the Allies with material aid without officially…