Today in History: Christmas

Bethlehem. Church of the Nativity

Today in History–December 25–the Library of Congress features Christmas. Although the exact origins of this holiday are uncertain, the Christian church in Rome observed the Feast of the Nativity on this date in the year 336. Today, Christmas celebrations include both religious and secular traditions. Discover more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access primary sources related to Christmas.

Christmas image set

Featured Sources

Christmas sheet music

Christmas songs (1900-1939 audio recordings)

TR calls on neighbors at Christmas (1917 film)

Grandma and the bad boys (1900 film)

Christmas: select historical newspaper articles

Front-page news pages: December 24-25, 1914

Christmas Truce: select historic newspaper articles (1914-1915)

All about “Mistletoe” The San Francisco Call. (San Francisco [Calif.]), 17 Dec. 1911

Christmas books & stories

Santa Claus / St. Nick primary sources

Nativity images

Coptic Church Chants: For the Nativity; At the Kiss of Peace; Hymn for the Patriarch ca. 1930s

Nativity-related books & texts

Nativity sheet music

Nativity and liturgy song and audio recordings

Story of Christ silent film between 1905-1907

Guided primary source analysis activities

Library blog posts